Deaths registered
in the County of Guysborough

(TorBay and surrounding area)
1864 - 1877

Updated January 20, 2002
Mike has gone through the register twice -
Once being the main register at the County and the
other being the register for the "TorBay" area -
This register is one degree closer to the original
information - items that were entered into the
main register as one thing, may be something entirely
different in the earlier version - (ie. for a while, we
couldn't figure out why the were so many people
with a place of death appearing as Halifax,
and it turned out to be Halfway Cove)

As usual check all conceivable spellings.
Some examples are:
ULOTH, appears as Huloth and Wuloth.

O'Neil also appears as Neal
Hefferman appears a O'Hefferman




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