Photos of Early Life In Larry's River - from personal collection of Sadie (Fougere) Pettipas - submitted by her daughter Sandra Perro.
To see more photos from this collection look under "People" - pages 7 & 8
001CreditUnion 002FishingShacks 003Footbridge
Moving Credit Union Fishing shacks Footbridge
004Gardening 005OxAndCart 006WaterWellBucket
Gardening Transporting Goods Charlotte Sullivan and water well
007WoodsawingBee 008woodsawingBee2 009OffToWar
Sawing Bee Sawing Bee Off to war
010Co-opCreditUnionRC 011ChurchBevSan  
Co-op & Credit Union St. Peter's & Sandra & Beverly Pettipas
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