1.Frank Pellerin 14. Joe MacPherson
2. Bernice Pellerin 15. Father Will MacPherson
3. Sylvester Pellerin 16. Eileen (Pellerin) Power
4. Brian Richard 17 Elizabeth Jenkins
5. Elliot (Sonny) Pellerin 18. Raymond Rudolph
6. Carroll Pellerin 19. Dr. John Jenkins
7. Patsy Petitpas 20. Ruth Rudolph
8. Al Pettipas 21. Bill Gerrior
9. Sister Kathleen Gorman 22. Eileen Power ll
10. Roy MacDonald 23. Diane Prince
11. Angus Pellerin 24. Earl Avery
12. Dianne Pellerin 25. Thomas Avery
13. Adrienne Pellerin  

photo courtesy of Jude Avery

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