Persons buried in Baptist Cemetery, Upper Whitehead
(from Guysborough County Courthouse Museum)
Mildred Pauline, daughter of Mr. ' Mrs. Spurgeon Snow, born Oct. 31, 1931, died July 5, 1945. Jacob Snow died on Sept 30, 1905, age 73. His wife Abigail died on Oct 21, 1898, age 53. Geneva Snow, wife of Abraham George, died on Feb 21, 1907, age 20 yrs. Clarence, son of Mr. & Mrs. Erskine Snow, born Sept 30, 1902, died at Halifax June 5, 1909. Mrs. Clifford Haines, died Aug 30, 1925, age 25. Jeremiah Snow 1847 - 1926. His wife Mary 1859 - 1929. Mrs. Donald MacKenzie (Sara) died Oct. 18, 1895, age 85. Georgina Snow Potter born 1877, died 1920. John, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Richardson died Mar. 31, 1904, age 17, also his parents. William Griverm [sic - should be Grover] born 1856, died 1905. His wife Maria MacDiff [sic - should be McDuff] born 1844, died 1924. Their son James, born 1888, died 1897. Bert Kirby, his wife Marjorie. Mr. & Mrs. James Snow, Susan Snow. Mr. & Mrs. William Feltmate. |