General History
for the communties of
Charlos Cove
Cole Harbour
Larry's Rver

Port Felix

White Head

Yankee Harbour

Lundy Torbay History

• A poem by Brad Pellerin telling some history (en Francais)

• A Historical Sketch of the Guysborough Municipal Council 1879 - 1978
Yankee Harbour - a sketch by Clara Rhynold of Yankee Harbour c1920, showing who lived where, and a historical write-up by Peggy Feltmate on the inhabitants.
Captain Savalette - one of the earliest settlers
There is also a history of these communties at Guysborough County Genweb plus histories for the surrounding communities.
La Sociétié des Acadiennes des TorBay has some history too


These listing are not yet complete.
If you have anything to contribute, drop a note to
me at


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