Couple Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary
Sunday, March 10, 1974
Couple Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary - Sunday March 10, the solarium on the 11th floor of the V.G.Hospital took on a festive air when fourteen members of the family of Mr and Mrs. Percy Grover gathered to help them celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Friends of Mrs. Grover will be encouraged to hear that she is walking daily in the pool and hopes to be on "dry land"soon. Mr. Grover is in Excellent health and is anxiuosly awaiting spring planting. The Grovers who were married on March11,1924 have five children. Emily(Bigelow) of Kentville, Harold, Lakeville, Shirley (Stewart), Vancouver, B.C., Morton (Regina) and Downey, Halifax. Instead of individual gifts the family is doing the living room floor with shag carpeting in gold color to be installed before Mrs. Grover returns from the hospital. The couple received gifts and cards from their many friends and relatives. Lunch was served to all attending,also to the nurses and patients on the floor. Mr. and Mrs Grover cut their two tiered wedding cake in the traditional fashion manner and thanked all for their kindnesses. Present were Downey and Carol Grover and children and Rachel, Emily and Lawrence Bigelow and grandson Ken, James and Jane Grover and son Stephen, LaVerne Maclennon and Ronald Russell.

submitted by Downey Grover


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