yes the elections were quite the thing in those days. The country people
were either staunch Tories or staunch Grits, and joined the different
parades. The blind leading the blind. If Tories were elected they paraded
around the homes of the Grits and if the Grits were elected, they paraded
around the homes of the Tories. If you did not show your colors, or a
turn coat as you would be known, you would stay home and no doubt end
up getting a job on one of the light houses or foreman of the road work.
We would always get a government grant of $2,000 to be spent on the roads
every four years, or at least on the eve of every election (version I).
The campaigning was terrific; the two local papers were in stiff competition
as the Herald was a Tory paper and the Chronicle Grit. One fellow down
home said he hung up a catalogue in the outhouse on election years, as
the newspapers had too much lye in them.
The Guysboro railroad was the biggest thing that ever happened in eastern
Nova Scotia. It elected more candidates then the Trans Canada Highway
in the more recent years. The railway covered a distance of about thirty
miles, too bad it never ever had any rails laid on it, as some of the
people are still waiting to see what a train looks like.
Pa was a dyed in the wool Tory as his father and his grandfather were
Tories and I suppose I am a Tory partly because they were Tories. Nobody
seems to have much concern these days, what party is in or who the local
candidate as member is as they do not make the tours of the country places
now and soapbox supporters have also lost their interest. In fact there
have been periods in recent years, when I did not even know who my political
member was.
They can sit in their own living room now and do their canvassing over
television, and do not find it necessary to go out among the people. "Cigars
"have" gone up in price."