Newspaper Article

THE GUYSBORO COUNTY ADVOCATE - Friday, January 15, 1954




Port Felix, Jan 12 - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Greencorn, nee Anita Surette, on their marriage on January 5.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen David on the birth of a daughter, Sharon Anne, on January 3. Sister for Basil.

The holiday visitors were Ernest Cashin, Gerald Marr, Priscilla Casey, Gordon and Neil Tibbo, Jr., Jenesta David, Mr and Mrs. Howard Cashin and son, Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dort and daughter, Norma, Miss Evelyn Fougere and friend, Kenneth Bower.

Earl and Douglas Levandier of the R.C. Navy have returned after spending two weeks leave with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denis Levandier.

Walthen Cashin of the Patrol Boat Laco____ spent his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denis Cashin.

The Patrol Boat Halkett was in Port for the holidays and Placide Boudreau spent Christmas with his family.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marr spent Christmas in west Mount, C.B., with their daughter Lillian and family.

Thomas Cashin has returned from the hospital and is feeling much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cashin spent Christmas with Howard Cashin and family also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dort and family in Tracadie.

Denis King motored from Halifax with his brother, Joseph, who spent some time in the V.G. Hospital and is much improved.

Miss Helen George is home from Halifax and will spend the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen George.

Mrs. Helen LeBlanc of Tracadie has spent some time with Mrs. Jack Cashin.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Cashin, Jr., have spent Christmas with her parents in Canso.

Mrs. John Pelrine and Mrs. Placide Boudro are visiting in Halifax and will attend the wedding of Pricilla Casey and Gerald Marr, Congratulations.

St. Mary's Boys Choir from Halifax sang mass here on Sunday, January 3, The choir included Gerard David, Joe Pottie, Ray Mambourquette, and Jackie Gordon,
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