Newspaper Article

THE GUYSBORO COUNTY ADVOCATE - Friday, September 1, 1939




Larry's River - Rev. C.J. Forest P.P., attended the Conference held at, Antigonish during last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Murphy, Mrs. Rene LeBlanc, Miss Margaret Murphy, Vincent Murphy were motor visitors to Cole Harbour on Wednesday.

Miss Rita A. Pelrine has gone to Halifax where she will be employed.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walsh, Jimmie Walsh, Merland, were visitors here during the week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gerrior.

Mrs. John J. Avery and two youngest children spent a few weeks visiting realtives in Pomquet.

Vincent Murphy, Misses Margaret and Ethel Murphy, Mrs. Rennie LeBlanc awere [sic] motor visitors to Guyboro [sic] on Thursday.

Howard Pelrine who is employed at the Royal George Hotel, Antigonish, spent a few days here.

Mrs. James Stone and young son Halifax are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richard.

Bill Myers, Mrs. Freeman Myers, Mrs. Elsie Johnson, Albert Dege, Cole Harbour were motor visitors here on Saturday evening.

Miss Margaret Murphy has gone to Glencoe where she will teach for the present school term.

Francis Duam, Miss M.A. LeBlanc, West Arichat, reopened the school here Monday, Aug. 28th.

R.L. Coldwell, Inspector of schools, was a visitor here on Monday.

Mrs. Famie LeBlanc, Mrs. Mina LeBlanc spent a few days visiting relatives in Pomquet.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pitts, Michael Pitts, Elmer Pitts, Cambridge, Mass., who are at present visiting in Tracadie motored here on Sunday.





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