Newspaper Article

Cutout and not dated - probably about 1964


Recall Tragic Drowning of 57 years ago


PORT FELIX, Sept 16 -
September 13, 57 yeara ago, five Port Felix youngsters met tragic death by drowning, on a body of water commonly known as Quickoff Lake.

They rowed a leaky boat to an island in the lake two at a time, but on their return all crowded into the boat and it sank in deep water.

Dead were three children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, Clara, 18, Maggie, 15, and Martin, 12, and two children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fougere, Maggie, 14, and John, 12.

There was only one survivor, Mary Helen, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fougere. She told the tale of the tradgedy _____, having lost her way while coming back through swamps and lakes.


Calculating from the children ages the event probably happened around 1907

The article on the drowning itself can be found at the Guysborough Cemetery Listings - St. Joseph's Port Felix. To go directly to the article click here.

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