- Mrs. Helen Winters, Charlos Cove, Guysborough County, 32-year-old
widow and mother of three children, died in St. Martha's Hospital, Antigonish,
from injuries suffered in a highway accident at Half Island Cove.
TREATED AT HOSPITAL Three other people, including a London, Ont.
couple were hurt in the accident and received treatment in the outpatient
department of the local Red Cross hospital. They were Mr and Mrs Gerald
Richards, 330 Eleanor Street, London, who were spending their vacation
in Charlos Cove, and a child, John Richards, of Charlos Cove. In addition,
two persons whose names were not available were also said to have been
in the accident. They were taken to the Red Cross hospital for examination.,
along with the others, but not detained, it was stated. The accident
occured when a car left the road. Mrs. Winters was a passenger. An inquest
opened under the direction of Coroner T.R. Morton, has been adjourned
until next Tuesday at the Antigonish courthouse. The children of the
victim are Marie, 15, Jerry, 13, and a youngster aged 5, whose name
was not learned. The funeral arrangemnts were not announced.