November 28, 1854
Transcription of a petition
held at PANS, RG 5, Series P, Vol. 59, # 9,
for the construction of a canal at Whitehead.
contributed by Peggy Feltmate
To the Honorable The House of Assembly in Legislature Session convened. The Petition of the Undersigned Inhabitants of Whitehead, Molasses Harbor, and Torbay in the County of Guysborough Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioners are principally Fisherman [sic] prosecuting their business in the vicinity of the above named localities. That your Petitioners recognize the disposition of your Honorable House to lessen the dangers to which your Petitioners calling is exposed and to promote the convenience and prosperity of your constituents engaged in the prosecution of the Fisheries. That among the improvements on their behalf to which the Provincial Legislature has lent its aid, the construction of canals to facilitate internal communication and thereby prevent exposure to the stormy seas and other dangers of the coast has been a favorite and useful object. Encouraged by this sympathy exhibited towards our class, your petitioners would respectfully bring to the notice of your Honorable House the necessity for the construction of a canal between Whitehead Harbor and Molasses Harbor at what is called the Haul Over in this county - with such a convenient and safe passage as the same would afford, Petitioners would be saved the stormy and frequently dangerous course they have under Present circumstances to take, and the prosecution of their business would thereby be promoted. That your petitioners being aware that the principal benefit of the proposed work would be of a local character are prepared to contribute in part their own labour towards its accomplishment and hope for the assistance of your Honorable House to secure its completion by a Grant from the Public funds. Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray that, your Honorable House will be pleased to take the Premises into your consideration and grant the sum of Fifty Pounds for the above object on the most favorable terms. And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray |
Whitehead, 28 Nov 1854 |