
This indenture was made this Tenth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Seven. Between Henry Lindon of Canso in the County of Guysboro' Mas Mariner, Eunice Fogarty of the same place, married woman and Michael Fogarty her husband Nancy Casey of Raspberry in said County of Guysboro' married woman and Jeremiah Casey her husband, Angeline Morrell of Canso in said County of Guysboro' married woman and Jeffrey Morrell her husband parties of the first part and Edward C Whitman of Canso in the County of Guysboro' merchant of the second part - Whereas in and by a certain Indenture of mortgage bearing date the 2nd day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Two and made between

Henry Lindon, E & M Fogarty,
N & J Casey, AJ & W Morrell to
Edward C Whitman

Registered on the 28th day
of February A.D. 1899
at Nine O'clock A.M.
on the certificate of
CH Whitman JR
James H Buckley

Sophia Lindon of Charlos Cove in the County of Guysboro' married woman and Henry Lindon her husband of the one part, and Edward C. Whitman of Canso aforesaid of the other part ~ The said Sophia Lindon and Henry Lindon for and in consideratio of the sum of three Hundred and Thirty one Dollars of lawful money of Canada to them in handwell and truly paid by the said Edward Whitman the receipt where of was there in acknowledged did grant bargain sell alien ____ off release and confirm unto the said Edward C. Whitman his heirs and assigns forever certain lands and tenements inventoried and described in the said indenture of mortgage which said indenture contained a proviso for making said the same upon payment of the said sum with interest in certain stated instalments therin specified as with _____ on reference to the said mortgage which is _____ ______ in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in Guysboro' Book for Z37 & Z38 (???). And Whereas on or about the fourth day of July A.D. 1896 the said Sophia Lindon died intestate ___ the said Henry Lindon her husband and Eunice Fogarty wife of Michael Fogarty and Nancy Casey wife of Jeremiah Casey and Angeline Morrell and her husband Jeffrey Morrell for and in consideration of the premises and the sum of One Dollar of lawful money of Canada to them in a well and truly paid by the said Edward C. Whitman his heirs and assigns all their Int____ , Estate, right title and Equity of ____ as S___rs afaces and of in and its all that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in Canso aforesaid and described as follows viz : Beginning at the road ___ to the Fourth Hill and at the fourth corner of a lot now owned and occupied by Mr. Jeremiah Hurst ~ thence at right along said road or lane One hundred feet thence at right angles and in a North Easterly direction One hundred feet or till it comes to the rear line of the aforesaid huc? Jeremiah Hurst ~ thence Southeasterly along Mr. Jeremiah Hurst's line to the place of beginning ~ Also that certain other lot of land described as follows viz: ___ on the North West by lands of Alfred W. Hart, on the North East by a lot of land of John Williams Jr., on the South East by the above described lot of land ~ and on the South West by a lane leading from the Fourth Hill lane to the aforesaid Alfred W Hart's and the same being the the land and premise described in the aforesaid Indenture of ____ as by reference thereto will more fully appear. And the building here ditaments, Easements and apprestences to the same belonging and the reversions remainder e___ts and p___y thereof and all of the estate right title and equity of rede__tion of them the said Henry Linden, Eunice Fogarty and Michael Fogarty her husband and Nancy Casey and Jeremiah Casey her husband and Angeline Morrell and Jeffrey Morrell, her husband: To Have and to Hold the said above granted and described land and premises unto and to the use of the said Edward C. Whitman his heirs and assigns forever. In witness Whereof the parties to the presents have hereto set their Hands and Seals the on the day and year first above written.
Henry Linden (S.S)
Eunice Fogarty (S.S)
Michael Fogarty (S.S)
Nancy Casey (S.S)
Jeremiah Casey (S.S)
Angeline Morrell (S.S)
Jeffrey Morrell (S.S)
Wilfred Morrell witness
Signed Sealed and delivered
In the presence of
Willie F. Morrell

Province of Nova Scotia
County of Guysboro S.S.
Be it remembered that on this eighth day of May A.D. 1897 before me the subscriber personally came and appeared Willie F Morrell a subscribing witness to the foregoing Indenture who having been by me duly sworn made oath and said that Henry Linden, Eunice Fogarty, Michael Fogarty, Nancy Casey, Jeremiah Casey, Angeline Morrell, Jeffrey Morrell the parties thereto, signed sealed and delivered the same in his presence
CH Whitman JP


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