Newspaper Article

(no year given, but beside several 1949 clippings)

contributed by Peggy Feltmate


White Head Seaman in Wreck


New York, June 8 The sinking of the Boston fishing dragger Gertrude Parker off Gloucester, Mass on June 5 recalls the sinking of the trawler Medford last October with the loss of seven of her crew and one of the seven was the late Lee Munroe of White Head, Guy. Co. who was mate on the ill fated trawler Medford. The Gertrude Parker was sunk in collision with the Schhoner Skilligolee in a dense fog. The Skilligolee with her bow stove in by the crash picked up the crew of the Parker. The Skilligolee carried a crew of seven men all of Gloucester. Capt. T Meagher, T. Muise, engineer, Joseph Price, cook. Price was the youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs Henry Price (nee Diggdon) of White Head, Guys. County, is married and makes his home on Washington St, Gloucester. He has one sister Mrs W Roberts, Quebec, Canada, one brother retired boat builder at Essex Mass, and one step sister Mrs W Munroe at White Head.





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