Newspaper Article

Guys Co Advocate & Canso Breeze, Friday, June 16 1944
Contributed by Peggy Feltmate




Larry's River, June 12:

Mrs Ernest Pellerin and Young son Maurice recently spent a week visiting relatives in Halifax

Laurie Mannett RCN Halifax spent a few days leave with his parents Mr and Mrs James Mannett

Miss Margaret Fougere, Halifax visited her parents Mr and Mrs Walter Fougere

Thomas Shea, Pictou, spent a few days with his wife and family L-Cp

Raymond Murphy, Halifax, spent six days leave with his parents

Willie D Pellerin, Cambridge Mass is visiting his mother Mrs Vennie Pellerin

Mr and Mrs Joseph I. Pellerin and infant son, Halifax are spending some time with the formers parents Mr aand Mrs Isaiah B Pellerin

Mr and Mrs Duncan Mac Donald two sons John D and Charles, White Head, were visitors here Sunday.




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