Saturday, August 21, 1886
The Morning Herald



(Special despatch to the Halifax Herald)

CANSO, August 20 - During last season a few of our public spirited citizens inaugurated for the benefit of the baot fishermen of Canso and vicinity the first regatta at Canso.
The emulation excited thereby, with the pleasant holiday to which th event gave rise, promted another this season on a much grander scale. The day was all that could be desired with the exception that the more adventurous did not have their wishes for a spanking sou-wester gratified, and it was not till after one p.m. that the breeze was decided sufficiently strong to warrant a start at all. The course was a triangle, four miles to leeward, four wind abeam, and four to the windward.
Thirty-seven boats entered. In class 1 twenty-two started, the George Washington, Hudson, of Country Harbour, taking first prize - a handsome silver cup and $50 cash. The Letia Taylor of Isaac's Harbour, took second prize of $30; the Pride of the East, McKenzie, of Whitehaven, third prize, $15; Genesta, Walsh, of Canso, fourth prize, $10; Sam Slick, Peytezh, of Isaac's Harbor, fifth, $5.
In class 2 - three prizes $25, $10, and $5, were taken respectively by Dick, Meagher, Canso ; Irez, Carter, Half Island Cove; and Lobster, Berrigan, Canso.
In the extra class provided for boats measuring over thirty feet on water line, the first prize of $20 was won by Golden Slipper, McNeary, Canso, and the second $10 by Minia, Hurst, of Canso.
The first cash prizes in classes one and two of $50 and $25 were given by the Mackay-Bennett cable company. In view of the large number of competitors disappointed to-day the regatta committee decided to offer consolation prizes of $20 and $10 for classes one and two to be competed for to-morrow, when it is hoped those who found the wind too light to-day will have their wishes fully gratified, The events attracted a large number of visitors, who evidently appreciated what was certainly the prettiest sight ever seen in these waters.


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