Newspaper Article

The Guysboro County Advocate
Friday, August 24, 1951




Cole Harbour, Aug 17 - Mrs. Havelock Munroe and granddaughter Betty Munroe, who have been visiting Mrs. Munroe's daughter, Mrs. Chapman and Mr. Chapman, Stellarton for the past month have returned home. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Chapman and Hughie Duncan.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jamieson and family of Margaretsville and Mrs. Allen Jamieson, Queensport, visited friends here on Thursday.

Duncan Munroe and Theodore Munroe are spending some time at their homes here, Stewart McCalla, Barney's River, is visiting his friend Duncan Munroe.

Mr. & Mrs. Spurgeon Myers and Harold Myers were business visitors to Canso on Monday.

Mrs. MacCauley and Mr. MacKay of New Glasgow spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Havelock Munroe and family.

Thelma Grover, Tor Bay, who has been visiting her cousin Irene Munroe returned home on Sunday.

Miss Maude Myers and brother Charles Myers, Port Hawkesbury, are visiting relatives and friends.

Reginald Uloth, Halifax, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Uloth, last week end. On his return he was accompanied by his sister Mrs. David Hutchinson and son Richard who have been visiting here for several weeks.

Fred Myers left Monday to seek employment in New Glasgow.

Mrs. Harold Myers and Shirley Myers returned home on Thursday having visited relatives in Trenton and Port Hood Island.

Rev. Roland Stanton, Trenton, was a visitor here recently.

Fred Chapman, Stellarton; visited Mr. and Mrs. Have Munroe on Sunday. On his return he was accompanied by his wife who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Munroe.




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