Upper White Head - Jan.16-
Mr. Harvey George, who spent a few weeks away, returned home on Friday.
Mr. Melvin Creamer, Phillips Harbor, was a recent visitor to this vicinity.
Rev. James Neilson held divine service here in the Baptist Church Thursday evening.
Mr. Levi George, Canso, is spending some time at the home of his father, Mr. John George.
Mr. Wm. Snowe is spending a few days at Cole Harbor.
Mr. Borden Grover is spending some time visiting at Tor Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. George Grover were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arch Snowe Wednesday evening.
Glad to report that Mrs. Arch Snowe, who had been on the sick list, is able to be around again.
Mr. W. Grover of Yankee Harbor is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Grover.
Misses Amy Snowe and Margaret Spears were recent visitors to White Head.