The Chronicle Herald -- Thursday October 31st 1968


MRS. MAMIE DELOREY, 62, was buried Tuesday, following funeral service.  Interment was in Larry's River parish cemetery.  Born at Larry's River, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gerrior.
Besides her husband he is survived by five sons, Joseph, British Columbia; John, Frances, Paul and Raymond, at home; seven daughters, Gertrude (Mrs. Dan Murphy), Halifax; Mary Edna (Mrs. David Avery), Larry's River; Margaret (Mrs. Raymond Bellefeuille), Quebec; Yvonne (Mrs. Denis O'Neill), Halifax; Sister Theresa, White Sisters of Africa; Dora (Mrs. Neri Cormier), Halifax; one brother, Paul, Halifax; two sisters, Mrs. Alfred Halbot, Halifax; Mrs. Cecil Pettipas, Halifax; one half-brother, Ben, New Glasgow; 1/2 sister, Mrs. W. J. Murphy, Larry's River; 24 grandchildren, and one great grandchild.  One son is dead.


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