The Dory, Canso-Queensport Parish Paper, May - June 1959, Vol 3, No 5, Page 4:


Parish Mourns Deaths of Clement Grover, Will Feltmate:

The congregation of Holy Trinity is mourning the passing of two veteran White Head Churchmen. Clement Grover, known to us all as "nelt", resigned last January as churchwarden after 46 years service in that office. He was elected Honorary churchwarden for life. In March he became ill and was hopitalized, first at Guysborough and then at Antigonish for the first time in his life. he returned home shortly before Easter, and appeared to be making a recovery when he suffered a relapse and died in Guysborough Hospital April 25. The funeral was held at Holy Trinity Church, White Head, on April 27 "Nelt" Grover showed his love for his god by a deep affection for the House of god. he was a staunch Churchman and a friend to many clergy. His goodness and gentleness marked a life lived in God's Grace, illuminated by the worship of the book of common Prayer. That such men should live in this world is a witness to the reality of god and the truth of the christian Gospel. May he hear from his Lord the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of the Lord."

William Thomas Feltmate died at the age of 83 in Canso hosptial nearly two weeks after suffering a stroke at his home in White Head. He had not been well for several years, after a long life filled with colourful service to his fellow man. He was one of the early leaders in the Co-operative Movement in Guysborough County. He possessed a wonderful sense of humour together with a wonderful common sense, and his many tales of wit and wisdom revealed both. In hospital at Canso he made his last communion, and died suddenly and peacefully on May 13. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Feltmate, his helpmeet for 57 years, his sons, and his daughter, Mrs. Marion Pike.

contributed by Peggy Feltmate



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