January 1994 - The Halifax Herald Limited


PITTS, Cecilia Agnes - 91, Halifax, died January 12, 1994, in Victoria General Hospital. Born at Larry's River, Guysborough County, she was a daughter of the late Pierre and Gertrude Gerrior. She and her daughter owned and operated a sewing business in Halifax for many years. She was an active member of the Catholic Women's League of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family. She is survived by four grandchildren, Chris, Kentville; Bradley, Barbara and Adrienne Maynard, all of Halifax; two great-grandchildren, Paul and Janet Maynard, both of Kentville; nephew, Al Pettipas, Larry's River. She was predeceased by a daughter, Marion Maynard; grandsons, Peter and Barry Maynard; 12 brothers and sisters. A memorial service will be 11 a.m. January 15 in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Donations may be made to Peter Maynard Memorial Scholarship Fund in trust c/ o Halifax West High School or Canadian Cancer Society.

submitted by Brian Paul



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