hand dated 1949
contributed by Peggy Feltmate



White Head
, Oct 4, A pretty wedding was solemnized at St Joseph's Church, West Port Felix on Sept 27 when Rev P A LeBlanc, P. P., united in marriage Clara Theresa, daughter of Mr and Mrs Duncan MacDonald and Harry C Jarvis, son of Charles Jarvis and the late Mrs Jarvis of Canso. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father by whom she was given in marriage. The wedding march was played by Mrs Joseph Munroe. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white satin with lace insert and carried a bouquet of roses. Her only ornament was a string of pearls. The bridesmaid was Miss Gladys Feltmate of Hazel Hill. John MacDonald, brother of the bride, atttended the groom. After the ceremony, the happy couple motored to the bride's home where a breakfast was served to immediate relatives and friends. The happy couple left on a motor trip to Halifax and various provincial points. The bride's going away dress was of green moire with matching accessories. On their return they will reside at White Head.

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