Port Felix Parish
Records page: 236 Date: January 11, 1876 Alex Avery son of: Benjamin Avery and Angelic Fougere married Elizabeth Delaurier daughter of Isadore Delaurier and Angelic Edge witnesses: Hubert Avery and Thomas Pelrine priest: Martin A McPherson other Port Felix Parish Records page: 210 Date: Janaury 10, 1863 Benjamin Avery son of: Ben Avery and Angelic married Harriet Pelrine daughter of Joe Pelrine and Nancy witnesses: Louis Pelrine and Nancy Avery priest: James Drummond other Avery - Larry's River Port Felix Parish Records page: 211 Date: January 8, 1864 Charles Avery son of: Moses Avery and Sally Petipas married Pauline Mannette daughter of Simon Mannette and Margaret Pelrine witnesses: Luke Mannette and Charlotte Fougere priest: James Drummond other Port Felix Parish Records page: 324 Date: August 20, 1886 Hubert Avery married Josephine King witnesses: Vincent Pelrine, Margaret King and Angus Decost, Mary Bellfontain priest: A. Vanreutughen other married at Port Felix Port Felix Parish Records page: 199 Date: January 8, 1856 Simon Avery son of: Felix Avery and Susanne married Elizabeth Decost daughter of Dominic Decost and Amelia witnesses: Felix Avery and Judith Decost priest: James Drummond other Avery-Larry's River, Decost - Tracadie |