Port Felix Parish Records page: 231
Date: February 5, 1873
Frederick Casey
son of: John Casey and Elizabeth Mira
Maria Snyder
daughter of Joseph Snyder and Ann Beaver
witnesses: Jeremiah Casey and Margaret Casey
priest: Felix van Blerk
other both of White Head, Maria Snyder a convert
Port Felix Parish Records page: 214
Date: January 7, 1878
Jeremiah Casey
Natalie Linden
daughter of Henry Linden and Sophia Richard
witnesses: William Richard and Mary Richard
priest: M A McPherson
other Jeremiah from Raspberry
Port Felix Parish Records page: 229
Date: January 23, 1872
John Casey
son of: John Casey and
Catherine Richard
daughter of Willam Richard and
witnesses: Fred Casey and Nancy Linden
priest: Felix van Blerk
Port Felix Parish Records page: 322
Date: August 25, 1885
John Casey
Catherine McPhee
witnesses: Pat Shaughnessy, Pat Casey and Mary and Alice Conway
priest: A. Vanreutughen
Port Felix Parish Records page: 325
Date: January 12, 1887
Pat Casey
Annie Connors
witnesses: Sam Grant and Minnie Shaughnessy
priest: A. Vanreutughen
other married at Port Felix
Port Felix Parish Records page: 327
Date: January 8, 1889
Stephen Cashen
Angèle Lavandier
witnesses: George Cashen, Henry Pelrine and Agnes Cashen, Marceline
priest: A. Vanreutughen
other married at Port Felix
Port Felix Parish Records page: 327
Date: August 7, 1888
William Cashen
Susan Meagher
witnesses: Stephen Cashen, Mary Bellefontaine and Agnes Cashen
priest: A. Vanreutughen
other married at Port Felix
Port Felix Parish Records page: 197
Date: January 30, 1854
William Cashen
son of: William Cashen and Sally
Margaret Pelrine
daughter of Paul Pelrine and Ann
witnesses: George David and Delaide David
priest: James Drummond
other Cashen-Port Felix, Pelrine-Torbay
Port Felix Parish Records page: 219
Date: April 24, 1866
Maurice Cavanagh
son of: James Cavanagh and Catherine Nash
Helen Keef
daughter of James Keef and Isabelle McDonald
witnesses: Alexander He_don and Bridget Keef
priest: Felix van Blerk
other at Canso
Port Felix Parish Records page: 212
Date: January 10, 1864
Joseph Charlois
son of: Thomas Charlois and Babbie David
Margaret Lavandier
daughter of Prospere Lavandier and Harriet Pelrine
witnesses: Hubert Charlois and N_no Boudreau
priest: James Drummond
Port Felix Parish Records page: 196
Date: January 8, 1854
Luke Charlois
son of: Charles Charlois and Babbie
Lucy Pelrine
daughter of Paul Pelrine and Ann
witnesses: Charles Pelrine and Harriet Richard
priest: James Drummond
other Charlois of Torbay, Pelrines of Larry's River
Port Felix Parish Records page: 211
Date: June 27, 1863
Anthony Conway
son of: John Conway and Catherine
Temperance McKay
daughter of ? and
witnesses: John McDonald and Emeline Digdon
priest: James Drummond
other Conways of Whitehead
Port Felix Parish Records page: 327
Date: August 7, 1888
Patrick Conway
Louise Pelrine
witnesses: Angelique Pelrine, Mary Conway and Augustus David
priest: A. Vanreutughen
other married at Port Felix