Port Felix Parish
Records page: 211
Date: December 30, 1863
John Landry
Annastatia Flavin
witnesses: David Sullivan and Ellen Sullivan
priest: James Drummond
Port Felix Parish Records page: 202
Date: January 18, 1858
John Langley
Elizabeth McDonald
daughter of John McDonald and Johanna
witnesses: Redmond Keating and Ellen Sullivan
priest: James Drummond
other Langley- Cape Canso, McDonald- Salmon River Lake
Port Felix Parish Records page: 325
Date: January 11, 1887
Fedèle Lavandier
Bridget Gerroir
witnesses: Pascal Pelrine and Charlotte David
priest: A. Vanreutughen
other married at Port Felix
Port Felix Parish Records page: 324
Date: November 23, 1886
George Lavandier
Sophie Cashen
witnesses: Charles LeBlanc, Jane LeBlanc and Stephen Cashen, Agnes
priest: A. Vanreutughen
other married at Port Felix
Port Felix Parish Records page: 323
Date: August 2, 1886
Simon Lavandier
Elizabeth Avery
witnesses: Daniel Petipas and Jo J__ Avery
priest: A. Vanreutughen
other married at Charlos Cove
Port Felix Parish Records page: 211
Date: January 8, 1864
Abraham Lavangie
son of: Prospere Lavangie and Harriet
Celest Avery
daughter of Ben Avery and Genieve Lavangie
witnesses: no witness listed and
priest: James Drummond
other All of Larry's River
Port Felix Parish Records page: 202
Date: January 16, 1858
Amable Lavangie
son of: John Lavangie and
Turzille LeBlanc
daughter of Charles LeBlanc and Sophia
witnesses: Heli LeBlanc and Delaide LeBlanc
priest: James Drummond
other Lavandie - Harbour Bouche
Port Felix Parish Records page: 237
Date: July 31, 1877
Larry Lavangie
son of: George Lavangie and Elizabeth Pelrine
Mary Ann Boudreau
daughter of Louis Boudreau and Marine Gellow
witnesses: John Boudreau and Angelic Boudreau
priest: Martin A McPherson
Port Felix Parish Records page: 210
Date: Janaury 11, 1863
Michael Lavangie
son of: Michael Lavangie and Sophia
Margaret David
daughter of Redmond David and Mary
witnesses: Louis Fougere and Magdaline David
priest: James Drummond
other Lavangie - Harbour Bouche
Port Felix Parish Records page: 224
Date: January 18, 1869
Michael Lavangie
son of: John Lavangie and
Eliza Richard
daughter of Simon Richard and
witnesses: Alexander Richard and Margaret Richard
priest: Felix van Blerk
other Lavangie - Harbour Bouche, Richard - Torbay
Port Felix Parish Records page: 230
Date: January 7, 1872
Simon Lavangie
son of: John Lavangie and Frazine Gellow
Esther Decost
daughter of Michael Decost and Harriet Pelrine
witnesses: Galaton Pelrine and Justine Roi
priest: Felix van Blerk
Port Felix Parish Records page: 206
Date: August 20, 1860
Valentine Lavangie
son of: John Lavangie and Frazine
Delaide LeBlanc
daughter of Charles LeBlanc and Sophia
witnesses: Valentine McDonald and Margaret Lavangie
priest: James Drummond
other Lavangie - Harbour Bouche
Port Felix Parish Records page: 230
Date: January 25, 1872
John Leary
son of: John Leary and
Annastatia Fitzgerald
daughter of James Fitzgerald and
witnesses: Patrick Cashen and Margaret Leary
priest: Felix van Blerk
other all of Crow Harbor
Port Felix Parish Records page: 197
Date: May 9, 1854
Heli LeBlanc
son of: Charles LeBlanc and Sophia
Amelia Lavangie
daughter of John Lavangie and Frazine
witnesses: Simon Pelrine and Delaide David
priest: James Drummond
other LeBlanc-Port Felix, Lavangie-Harbour Bouche
Port Felix Parish Records page: 237
Date: November 29, 1877
Remi LeBlanc
son of: Elie LeBlanc and Melie ? Lavangie
Jane Cashen
daughter of Willam Cashen and Rosann Richard
witnesses: son of Mathew and Mary Pelrine and
priest: Martin A McPherson
Port Felix Parish Records page: 211
Date: January 8, 1864
Thomas LeBlanc
son of: Charles LeBlanc and Sophia
Angelic Levandier
daughter of Prospere Levandier and Harriet
witnesses: Simon Gellow and Ellen Boudreau
priest: James Drummond
other Lavandier of Larry's River
Port Felix Parish Records page: 197
Date: April 25, 1854
Henry Linden
son of: Dennis Linden and Mary
Sophia Charlois
daughter of Benj Charlois and Gertrude
witnesses: Odelle Doiron and Mary Finlay
priest: James Drummond
other all of Torbay
Port Felix Parish Records page: 236
Date: February 14, 1876
Patrick Lookman ?
son of: John Lookman and Mary Hadon
Bridget Cavanaugh
daughter of Richard Cavanaugh and Mary Ann Fogarty
witnesses: Peter Lookman and Mary Jane Fogarty
priest: Martin A McPherson