Burial Registers and Funeral Home Records



Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Olivier Avery
Burial Date: December 12, 1887
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Torbay
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Joseph Fougere et Joseph Avery

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Judith Avery
Burial Date: June 19, 1889
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Torbai
spouse: Hubert Pelrine
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Simon Pelrine, Jo Fougere

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Joseph Avery
age: 20 years
Burial Date: August 8, 1887
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Torbai
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Joseph Fougere, Isaiah Avery




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