Burial Registers and Funeral Home Records



Source: Cruikshanks Funeral Home Records (PANS reels 12472-74)
William George
age: 94 years
Place of Birth: Whitehead
Date of Death: November 26, 1940
Place of Death: 280 Maynard St., Halifax
Burial Date: November 28, 1940
cemetery / place of burial: Port Felix
father: John George
mother: Margaret Armsworthy
Other info: Roman Catholic - married - chrg. to: Joseph F. King

Source: Cruikshanks Funeral Home Records (PANS reels 12472-74)
Margaret George
age: 94 years
Place of Birth: Port Felix
Date of Death: March 29, 1959
Place of Death: 55 Church St, Halifax
Burial Date: sent March 29th to Port Felix
cemetery / place of burial: Port Felix
father: Michael Pellerin
mother: not available
Furent presént (were present):
Other info: chrg to Mrs. Charles Pellerin, widow

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 18375
John C George
burial date: April 19, 1958
age: 64
condition: emp. Mount Olivet Cem.
native place: Guysboro
comments 4-G-88
cemetery Mount Olivet

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 889
Joseph C George
burial date: January 12, 1948
age: 27
condition: soldier
native place: Halifax
comments 4-E-46-A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Item #:
Josephine George
burial date: January 12, 1937
age: 6 yrs
condition: dau of Jos. George
native place: Halifax
cemetery Mount Olivet

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 4989
Rose M George
burial date: September 5, 1914
age: 8 mos.
condition: dau
native place: Halifax
cemetery Mount Olivet

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Mary Gerrior
Burial Date: January 22, 1884
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière à TorBai
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Edward Pelrine, Thomas Pelrine

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 18481
Arthur V Giffin
burial date: July 29, 1959
age: 60
condition: retired
native place: Guysboro
comments 5-B-73
cemetery Mount Olivet

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 3145
Mary Gouderault
burial date: June 28, 1960
age: 57
condition: wife Arthur
native place: Canso
comments 1-F-43-43A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 2887
David Grober (Grover)
burial date: April 29, 1959
age: 6 yrs
condition: son Aloyisius
native place: Halifax
comments 4A-C-82A
cemetery Gate of Heaven





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