Burial Registers and Funeral Home Records



Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 2883
William J Reynold
burial date: April 25, 1959
age: 74
condition: pensioner
native place: Canso, NS
comments 1-F54-H
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 829
Lois Reynolds
burial date: August 20, 1947
age: 24
condition: spinster
native place: Canso, NS
comments 4-B-41A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 1245
Margaret Reynolds
burial date: September 14, 1950
age: 69
condition: spinster
native place: Canso, NS
comments 4-C-58A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Agnes Reynolds
Burial Date: June 1887
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière à Port Felix
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Charles Ghys et Patrick Shaughnessy

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Claire Ellsworth Rhynold
age: 6 months
Date of Death: October 15, 1943
Place of Death: Lower White Head
Cause of Death: blank
Burial Date: October 17, 1943
cemetery / place of burial: Lower White Head
Clergyman: Alfred Thorpe

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Morris William Rhynold
age: 6 weeks
Date of Death: April 17, 1940
Place of Death: Lower White Head
Burial Date: April 20, 1940
cemetery / place of burial: Lower White Head
Clergyman: Alfred Thorpe

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 2280
Mary H Rhynold
burial date: November 26, 1956
age: 74
condition: wife James (P or O?)
native place: Cape Breton
comments 4A-D-32-32A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 929
Thomas Richard
burial date: March 29, 1948
age: 81
condition: longshoreman
native place: Guys. Co, NS
comments 4-E-5A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Divine Richard
Burial Date: June 1887
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Charlos Cove
spouse: Larry Richard
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Luc, Joseph Richard

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Marceline Richard
Burial Date: September 7, 1884
cemetery / place of burial: le cimetière de Charlos Cove
spouse: John Findlay
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Luc et Simon Richard

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Luc Richard
Burial Date: July 31, 1887
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Charlos Cove
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Joseph et Charles Richard

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Luc Richard
Burial Date: September 3, 1888
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Charlos Cove
father: Simon Richard
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Henry Linden et Joseph Richard

Source: Cruikshanks Funeral Home Records (PANS reels 12472-74)
Magdaleine Robichaud
age: 88 years
Place of Birth: Port Felix
Date of Death: March 4, 1946
Place of Death: West Chezzetcook
Burial Date: March 6, 1946
cemetery / place of burial:
spouse: Robichaud
Furent presént (were present):
Other info: charged to Thomas Robichaud





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