Burial Registers and Funeral Home Records



Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 1824
Catherine MacDonald
burial date: June 8, 1954
age: 77
condition: widow John
native place: Canso
comments 4-D-25
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 3921
Florence Macleen
burial date: September 29, 1961
age: 71
condition: wife John E
native place: Canso
comments 1-D76-A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Julie Magnell
Burial Date: May 27, 1889
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Charlos Cove
spouse: Regis Pelrine
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Joseph Richard, Hubert Richard

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Simon Manet, Senior
Burial Date: January 22, 1884
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière à TorBay
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Joe Gerroir, Abraham Gerroir

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Julie Manet
Burial Date: November 28, 1884
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière à Torbai
spouse: Michael Gerroir
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Simon Manet, Ben Gerroir

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Duncan McDonald
Burial Date: March 10, 1889
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière à Port Felix
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): James Conway, Stephen Bellefontaine

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Marie (Mary) McDonald
Burial Date: April 19, 1886
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière à Port Felix
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): James Dillon, Antony Conway

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Elizabeth McDuff
age: 77 years
Date of Death: May 17, 1920
Place of Death: Fox Island
Cause of Death: old age
Burial Date: May 19, 1920
cemetery / place of burial: Whitehead
Clergyman: L.E.G. Davies
Other info: Baptist

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 18672
Angus Miller
burial date: June 6, 1961
age: 84
condition: retired
native place: Guysboro
comments 4-G-93
cemetery Mount Olivet

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Mrs. Eben (Sarah) Munroe
age: 76
Date of Death: August 30, 1943
Place of Death: Halifax, (Canso) NS
Burial Date: September 1, 1943
cemetery / place of burial: White Head
spouse: Eben Munroe
Clergyman: Alfred Thorpe

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Wellesley Munroe
age: 66 years
Date of Death: June 4, 1943
Place of Death: White Head
Cause of Death: Paralysis
Burial Date: June 6, 1943
cemetery / place of burial: White Head
Clergyman: B.R. Bishop

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Mrs. Alex (Lettie) Munroe
age: 75 years
Date of Death: March 1, 1943
Place of Death: Lower White Head
Burial Date: March 4, 1943
cemetery / place of burial: Lower White Head
spouse: Alex Munroe
Clergyman: Alfred Thorpe

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Cleveland Munroe
age: 53 years
Date of Death: June 17, 1940
Place of Death: White Head
Cause of Death: drowning
Burial Date: June 20, 1940
cemetery / place of burial: White Head
Clergyman: Alfred Thorpe
Furent presént (were present):

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Angus Cameron Munroe
age: 69 years
Date of Death: May 6, 1940
Place of Death: White Head
Cause of Death: Heart trouble
Burial Date: May 10, 1940
cemetery / place of burial: Canso
Clergyman: Alfred Thorpe

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 2199
Daniel Murphy
burial date: June 14, 1956
age: 80
condition: retired
native place: Guysboro
comments 4A-C-47A
cemetery Gate of Heaven
notes: DATE MUST BE June 14th, I wrote down the 4th





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