by Peggy Feltmate
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January 4: Connie [Grover], Vera, Joe, Willie G, Beatty [Munroe], Agatha [Munroe] and I coasting on church hill. January 11:Pa and Jamie in woods. Vera and I to Connie's. 3 of us have colds. January 13: Miss Burke, Freddie Pelrine, Mr & Mrs Fougere & Deltena (She's 4 months younger than I) also Harry Cashen here. January 14: Aunt Fan, Uncle Jim stayed all night. Snow drifted in church tonight. [Jim and Fan (Jamieson) Grover lived in Upper Whitehead, quite a distance away] January 15: Choir practise at Ina's. [Ina (Roberts) Grover, mother of Connie] January 17: Haven't been to school since 12th. Fan & Jim went home today. January 18: Directors meeting here. January 19: Pa went to Canso on The S.S. Chedabucto. January 25: Aunt Charlotte stayed all night. [Charlotte (Jamieson) Peart married to William Peart] January 27: Pa in woods today. February 5: Walter Feltmate died 5 o'clock [Walter Havelock Feltmate b 1892 in Yankee Harbour, son of Cyrus E. and Harriet Feltmate, married Hazel Munroe. Walter died of turberculosis in Yankee Harbour across Whitehead Harbour from Lower Whitehaven, and he is buried inYankee Harbour.] February 8: Walter was buried. February 9: Meeting in school house for poor. March 17: Lydia R[hynold, dau of Norman and Mary] came home. Ada & Tom [Duncan] went away. [Ada (nee Martin) and Thomas Henry Duncan moved from Whitehead to Amherst at this time] April 4 Porrier and Captain Lowe to dinner. Meeting in Hall. April 16: The Aris brought Harry's house down. April 19: Jamie and Herman played checkers. Connie and I read. April 25: Pa got his hand hurt. April 27: Porrier and Capt. Lowe here. Pa went to Canso with 'em. Joe Rogers brought him back. Also Fred Swaine. May 2: Martin Cashen & Jerome Marr drowned. Comet in sky tonight. May 4: No school no coal. Dave [Duncan] took a smothering spell today. Mary Richardson died tonight. May 6: Mary Richardson buried today. May 9: [Marion's 17th birthday] I got 30 cents from Mum, 25 Jamie, 20 from Pa. I made a cake. May 10: Chester was
up in truck. Richardsons went to hospital. May 12: To Vera's all evening. Ladies Aid at Lydias. Fishermens meeting. Harry Phalen was here today. Lydia R, Edward, Fred went to country. [does that mean Country Harbour?-pf] May 13: Harry, Annie, Dean, Charlie, driving in Wilfred's car. [all Duncans in Wilfred Rhynold's car] May 15: Aunt Ethel's [Grover] pig died. Gave it too much milk. Too much smoke for school. May 16: Mrs Harris died. Joe Rogers brought Pa back from Canso. Sadie Hurst came with him. May 18: Mrs Harris came on Chedabucto. Agriculture Man (McVee) was here. Harry [Duncan] and Aunt Dean [Zenia (Grover) Duncan] to Cole Harbour. No fire at school only for an hour. May 20: Mrs Harris was buried. Reynolds home for funeral. May 21: Young Dan Casey and Bill Spears here. Clyde Roberts to dinner. May 22: No school no coal. I helped clean Jamie's room. May 23: I have pink eye (both eyes) (conjuntevitis). It thundered and lightened last night. Porrier & Joe Rogers here this p.m. May 24: Took aunt Ethel 2 mackeral. Bill Wells Clarences wife & Marie & Clarise up with Billy Mac. Mama & I to Lizzie's getting her to fix my blue dress. [Lizzie (Duncan Rhynold) Porter] May 25: Jimmy Snyder, Bill Spears, Dan Casey, Chester & Clyde were here. Carl Rhynold came home with Manzor. Cleaned my room today. May 26: Harry & Annie [duncan] took Vera & me to pie aid at Fanny Al's. [Francis "Fanny" (Feltmate) Munroe married to Almon Munroe] May 29: Inspector Colwell to school at noon. May 30. Another show. No school this p.m. Jamie saw a shark today. May 31: No school this p.m. Guild at Johanna's [Johanna (Uloth Roberts) Grover married to Clement Moynelta "Nelt" Grover]. The boat rudder got tangled outside and pa had to come in and put the boat on the slip. ["Outside" meant out on the open sea] June 1: Clyde R. & Russell Casey here. No school this p.m. Concert at Methodist church but vera has bad cold. We didn't go. Carl Rhynold here today. June 2: Joe Feltmate was 60 today. Dance in Hall. Chumed with Melba. had a good time altho havent started dancing yet. Came home all alone. June 3: McLeans first sermon after being ordained. [Rev. Cuthbert McLean] June 4: To Lizzie's [Porter]. She is fixing my blue dress. Fire in Dover it looks like. [They would be able to see the light of a fire reflected up into the sky over the barrens between Whitehead and Little Dover - pf] June 5: Fire still burning. June 18: I washed clothes today. June 19: I ironed. Mama washed quilts. My feet are awful tired. Porrier here. Mama and I to Aunt Ethels. Y.P.S. presented McLouds with a pen and pencil set. June 21: Walter Jamieson and wife and boys up. Teacher (Alyce) got pink eye last day of school. June 22: Cleared front room. Lillian Ehler & Frank came with Mazor. Annie came to stay. Sylvia, Cintha and Let came with minister. Meeting at Nelt's [Grover] for vestry. June 24: 11 yr old Greencorn boy buried a.m. June 25: Merd leaves for St. John this a.m. Mr McLoud preached his last sermon last night. We came home about 10 p.m. Clyde Roberts & Russell Casey here. Fan stayed. June 27: Insurance agent Walter Jamison wife James & Williard and hired girl up. Fan stayed all night. June 29: Dance. harry C. played. Big thunder storm. Tore a telephone pole to pieces. June 30: Thurlo [Munroe] got his boat from Charloes Cove. July 1: Ed Fraser came home today. Big parade in Queensport. Beeswangers down. Winifred Ehler over this evening. July 2: Clyde & Russel Casey for dinner. July 5: Dance up the river. July 6: Went to Charlie Abrams with Harry Annie Winifred. July 8: Mr Zwickers first sermon. But service in our church [Holy Trinity Anglican] too. Harry & Annie moved in their house tonight.[Harry and Annie (Ehler) Duncan] July 14: Rained terrible hard this evening. July 15: Mr Edwards preached this a.m. Ed Pyche Wilfred & John Grover arrived. Also Millie nee Duncan. Alice Smith, Nellie & kids Vivian Thelma and Lizzie Smith here. July 20: Harry Feltmate & Nellie Worth married. Rainy but lots of fun. Wedding tea at Turners. Danced with Jamie [probably Phalen?]. Harold Munroe is real cute (Mels). July 23: Edith Tanner here for supper. I rocked Joan Miller to sleep today at Lydias. Jamie [her brother] and I played the organ and sang at Falcon's [Falcon and Alice (Tanner) Duncan's] tonight. Alice served cookies, cake and milk. July 24: show in hall tonight. Didn't go. Priest Tompkins and another fellow here today. [This was Father Jimmy Tompkins a Roman Catholic priest who was working hard to get a co-operative movement happening among the fishermen of this shore. It came to be called The Antigonish Movement. Father Tompkins and Marion's father Billy Tom Feltmate became great friends and colleagues, and Billy Tom went on to start the Whitehead Co-operative, as well as adult and a boys' and girls' study clubs, and to make radio speeches about the idea - pf]. July 25: Little Maud Matthews drowned today. age 14 July 26: I raveled socks all day. Another dance at Clydes. Vessels in. I didn't go to it. July 30: Connie, Vera & I picking crowberries. Connie played records tonight. Mrs. F. [Mrs. Harmon Feltmate, Margaret (Chenier) Feltmate] went to Dr. Janie Munroe went to hospital. Aug 1: Uncle Charlie [Duncan], Harry [Duncan], Nelt [Grover} and Jim etc went to Liberal Convention at Guysboro. Aug 3: Heard Spanish guitar this morning. an old gent sang in Nelt's shop. Aug 4: Uncle Peter [Grover who had moved to Malden, Mass] died. Aug 13: Vera fell for a River John boy who was looking for fish. Aug 14: John Harold Rhynold was born. I was to dentist at George Munroes. Sep 4: School opened. Pa Jamie Vera & I to Sheep Island. A sword fish boat is in. Sep 6: Captain Smith & 2 sons from Annapolis ages 17 and 18 in sword fish boat went today. Sep 7: Harry Cashin selling meat. Sep 8: Vera & I to Purvis. Heard gramophone. Sep 18: Fred and Clara [Rhynold] moved in their new home. Sep 25: Chris Armsworthy buried today. Sep 29: Pa, Jamie [her brother], Everett [Feltmate], Wilfred R[hynold], Lydia & I to Cole Harbour dance at Myers. Jim D[uncan] drove us. Oct 2: Lydia & I shelled beans tonite until 8.15 Oct 3: Violin & mandolin music at Thurloe's by Russel Garrison off the fishing boat "Flirt". [Thurlo Munroe's] Oct 6: We trimmed the church for the thanksgiving service. Oct 10: Mrs George Munroe buried in Yankee Cove. Pa was over. Oct 15: Pa went to P.E.I. Oct 18: Nova IV came in. Oct 20: Pa came from PE I. Dan met him at Canso. Oct 24: Lydia Vera and I went to see the Hall. They're ceiling it. Oct 25: Mr Peters & John Casey were here. Alice and Leslie [Duncan, mother and son] here this evening. Alice hooking. Oct 30: Lydia was here. We sliced pumpkins and cleaned berries. Oct 31: Not much fun for Halloween. Melba Vera & I to Haulover [Whitehead] with Ivy and Clarel in car. Nov 1: I cleaned mat rags while Mum was to Guild at Lizzies. Nov 3: Lydia & I played checkers etc at home till 8. i went a ways with her and listened to Nelts radio till 9. Nov 5: To Connie's till 9 then we heard Old Time Fiddlers at Nelts. Great Music. Nov 6: our pig weighed 160. Nov 7: Dave's pig weighed 150 Nov 15: June, Vera & I played gramaphone and danced at Dan's. Nov 19: A three master was in. Nov 24: Uncle Dan got a new radio (short wave too). [Daniel J George who married first Sophia Theresa Duncan and second Ida Uloth -pf] Nov 27: Vera & I to Dan's to hear the new radio. Nov 28: Murray cut his hand. Ina, Connie & I to see him tonite. Archie Lumson and John Rogers are safe after being lost since Saturday (Canso men) Dec 13: Boys Study Club at Sidney's [Sidney Grover and his wife Ina (Roberts)] Dec 15. To Dave's. Radio fixed. Dec 30: Home all day. Minister too late for church. We had all gone before he got there.