by Peggy Feltmate
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January 3: Study Club here for boys Denis Allison & Beatty [Munroe] and I went to Dan's. [One of the school exercise books used to keep minutes of the Boys Study Club is in our family archives as Marion's brother Jamie was the secretary - pf] January 5: Aunt Charlotte [(Jamieson) Peart] and Uncle Bill [Peart] stayed all night. I was to Uncle Dan's. [Daniel J George who married first Sophia Theresa Duncan and second Ida Uloth -pf] January 7: Sunday school gifts given at Ina's. Mine was a necklace. [Ina (Roberts) Grover married to Sidney Grover, mother of Connie] January 10; Falcon [Duncan] plastered our flu. [Falcon's plastering job lasted well into the 1980's!] January 14: played hymns for [Rev. Cuthbert] McLean today. Home tonight. Lydia went to Zern's [Czerny Rhynold/Reynolds] January 15: Connie & I embroidering at home and playing organ in kitchen. January 16: Embroidering at Vera's January 19: Pa and Sidney to a meeting at Clyde's store. To Connie's & Nelt's. [Billy Tom Feltmate and his brother-in-law Sidney Grover (father of Connie) were getting involved in talks about a Whitehead Fishermen's Co-operative. Nelt was Clement Moynelta Grover who owned a large two story fishstore by the waterside that often acted as a community gathering spot for various events.-pf. ] January 30: Vera & I [to] Nelt's and I to Dave's [Duncan]. Swell programme from Sydney. February 4: Organized Study Club for girls. Met at school. Was to Nelts and Connie's. February 6: Vera & I to Jim Duncan's. February 9: Vera & I to Fred's & Dan's. Pauline McLaughlin arrived. February 10: Church this a.m. Sunday School and christening Havelock Elliott Rhynold, godmother Fan G[rover], John Harold Rhynold (mum was godmother). Mum, Vera & I to M[ethodist] church tonite. Saw river teacher. February 11: Study Club meeting at school 4 p.m. Mama, Vera,Jamie & I & guitar & violin to Ethel's [Ethel (Uloth) Grover, wife of George. They lived by the water on what is now Fish Plant Lane in Whitehead] February 12: Church and anual meeting. Lilian, Merle & I sat together. February 13: Everett [Feltmate] stayed here all night to go chopping tomorrow. He & Jamie went to Y.P.S. I went to Nelt's. [Everett was son of Angus and Bessie L. (Munroe) Feltmate] February 14: Study Club to Beatrice's. Hubert & wife, Mrs Emil Fougere, Barny C and wife here. February 16: Study Club dance and card play. Harry C & I played. Had only one dance. Everett. February 21: Pa and Falcon [Duncan] to Port Felix February 23: Meeting for poor at school. Met Ed Fraser. I was to Vera's. February 25: Ed Fraser went home from uncle Charlie's [Duncan]. Vera & I [at] Lizzie's. Pa to Antigonish. February 28: Pa came home. Study club at Katie's [probably Munroe] March 1: Meeting for Co-op store at Clyde's. Vera & I to Connie's. March 2: The Rally at Port Felix Hall. Joe Munroe took Helen Lynk, Ana, Annie, Katie & I on the sleigh. George F and Everett didn't forget I was there. March 3: Ed Fraser here this morning. Prettier than usual. [does she mean the weather, or herself - or Ed? -pf] March 6: Vera and I to Connie's. She had play wax. March 9: Pa, Vera & I to Dan's. Harvey George there. March 11: Vera & I to Dan's. Rufus, Uncle George, others there. Jamie [her brother] worked on the lake [this usually meant cutting ice - pf] March 16: Vera & I to Dan's. Doris teacher Harvey there. Jack Jones came today. Jamie finished work on the lake. March 18: Lydia came from Queensport in mail. Mum & Alice helped Johanna [(Uloth Roberts) Grover] hook. I baked biscuit & cake. March 23: To Dan's. Vera & I Doris Harvey teacher Borden there. March 24: Big snowstorm this a.m. March 28: Study Club at Viola's. Wore my hair back for first time. March 30: Vera & I to Dan's. No one there. April 1: To Nelt's. Heard Tena Campbell. [might be Lena Campbell - pf]. Denis to supper. Geneva Grover died today. Mum hooked at Alice's [Duncan]. I was to Connie's and Alice's. April 3: Leonard Jones came today. April 5: Heard Butternut boys at Dave's. Played organ at Connie's. April 8: Lydia & I to Charlie Abrams this p.m. Lent service tonight. then to Fred's. Harry and Beatty wanted to dance. Leonard [Jones] went home today. April 11: Dave D[uncan] went to hospital. April 15: Denis to supper. Denis, Jamie & I to hear Lena [Tena?] Campbell at Nelt's. April 16: Vera & I to Fred's. Jack Phalen and others there. Saw a sail fish today. April 17: Alice, Mum, Ina, Connie and I fixed lilies at Ina's. April 18: Study Club at Ruth's. Lillian, Viola, Beatrice, & Helen absent. April 19: To choir practice at Ina's. No one came April 20: Trimmed church for Easter. Had practise there. Vera & I went to Dan's. Covert [Uloth], Carl [her brother], Henderson, Uncle George's family[Grovers] there. April 21: S.School a.m. Church at 3. Our 1st anthem. to Agatha's after tea. Came home with Connie early. Mum, Pa, I, Jamie, Anne Thomson there (of Truro). April 22: Anne T. teaches in Half Island Cove. April 23: Priest & Hubert & Porrier herer. Porrier stayed all night. [Priest was Father Jimmy Tompkins - pf] April 25: Arthur Armsworthy's house burned down. Study Club at Ada's. Melba new member. April 26: To Connie's (June & I). Fan [(Jamieson) Grover] cleaned Gran's room. We were to Dave's tonight. [Marion's grandmother Eunice Leannas (Duncan) Feltmate lived with the family, and she had a small bedroom on the main floor in which she insisted on keeping everything, even a small stove. It was quite an undertaking when cleaning time came.-pf] April 27: Allison's & Dora's first dance. Pa & Jamie in woods. Perc White others here. social evening at Hall. 12 girls present. I had 6 dances. 5 steady missed 1 danced last one. April 28: Eb Munroe died 2 p.m. April 29: Evelyn, Merle, Beatrice, Melba, Vera, I cleaning up the Hall. Ada, Helen, Bea, Vera & I to Merle's putting quilt together. Mr. Eb's girls came home tonite. April 30: Funeral. Dave came from hospital. May 1: Went to Port Felix to work in factory. Pa & Jamie & I went in boat. May 2: Dorothy B Madonna F and Jamie here. May 3: Came home in smack this morning. May 4: Vera & I to Dan's. Perc White, Jack LaRue, Chester [Duncan], Harold Grover and Tom Lukeman here. May 5: Went to Port Felix with Howard Cashen. May 7: No work. So went to Mrs. John David's out rowing. May 8: Emma stayed all night. Went to Agnes David's. May 12: To vesper.
Big crowd to the house tonight. May 14: To church and Agnes David's. Reg, Rhuban, Percy Stanley there. May 15: A crowd to Agens David's. Got a bar & candy from John C. and 3 bars from Reg. May 16: To Agnes'. Just Stanley there. May 17: Emma, Vic & I to Freddie Pelrine's. Alphonso, Dorothy, Edna & Mrs David there. May 18: Vic & I to White Head in smacks before dinner. Dance at Victors. Supper with Bernie. Everett came home with me. Fox trot with Clarel & Ed. Polka Bernie. May 20: No work. Emma, Mrs C., Vic & I to priest's this evening. Vic planting today. May 22: Great fun with Percey. Vic, Emma and I to Hectors. Met Sylvester. He came home with me. Made Percey cross. Vic & I on Nova II today. May 23: Percey won't speak. I came home in Harry's boat. May 24: Connie & I to Victors for doughnuts this p.m. [they seemed to go to Victors for ice cream too from time to time - pf] May 25: Mama, Vera & I to bean supper and dance at Trumans and Turners. 2 dances. May 28: To Leander Marr's. A crowd and a fight. June 8: Vic & I to Agnes. Boys there. We all went to Victorias. Clement, Francis and Reuban stayed terrible late. Mrs. Cashin stayed up tho. Bless her. June 10: To the doctor who is ordering a tonic for me. June 11: To Agnes. The boys got there first. I ran away from the others tonight and came home alone. June 12: Vic & I for milk to L. Marr's today. June 13: Mrs L. Marr, Emma, Vic, Mildred & I to Moses Jelos. June 17: got my medicine. June 18: Vic & I to her grandfather's today. June 22: Came home in smack this a.m. All to Nelt's giving wedding gifts to the McLeans. [Rev. Cuthbert McLean was marrying Dorothy ?. -pf] Captain Beaver & Jennix boys ran ashore tonight. June 24: Payed Dr. for medicine. June 25: Mr & Mrs Cashin, Theresa, Vic & I rowed over to canal. Vic & I came home. The others went to dentist. Eddie Jennix chased me tonight. Got my prcture today also pyjamas. June 26: Jamie [Feltmate] brought us to Port Felix. Denis took us to White Head as Lindsay [Marion & Jamie's brother who lived in Mass., USA ] had come home. Lunch served at John David's tonite. June 30: Wilfred Pyche came. July 1: Wilfred went back to N.G. [New Glasgow, I would think. -pf] July 3: Leona & Geraldine Lena Turner arrived. Jamie took organ to pieces. I broke Ina's pedal strap. July 4: Georgena & Vera left home today. July 5: They came back. Dance in hall. Splendid! 7 dances and 1 extra figure. Carl Rhynold came home. July 13: Mr Churchill here today. [Mr Churchill was a government official I believe, perhaps Dept of Agriculture or Fisheries. -pf] July 14: priest [Father Jimmy Tompkins] & others here. July 16: Churchill came. July 17: Hanlen Walsh, A.B. and McSween to dinner. Convention in Hall. [A.B. might be Almon B Feltmate] July 21: Aub Rudolph to dinner. July 30: Lol & Bert here. [Lola Belle (Feltmate) who was married to Berton Munroe] Aug 5: Mrs [Harmon] Feltmate, Mama, Earl [Duncan] & I to Dr. Brasset in Port Felix. I am ordered to bed. Aug 11: Torbay Jameisons here. [sic] Aug 18: Aunt Charlotte and Arch. wife, Chester & wife, 3 kids here. [all Pearts] Aug 19: Jim Duncan, Mum, grandmother and I were to Canso. Had dinner at Bess Snow's. Aug 20: Concert in Hall. Pa went to Antigonish with priest. No I was not to the concert because Brassit wouldn't want me to go. Aug 21: Pa got home in the night. Brought me 3 pears, bananas, oranges. Aug 25: Bert & Lola here to supper. Helen and Fan [Grover] here after. Feeling better lately. Sep 1: Chester [Duncan] brought me fruit from Canso which the boys [her brothers in the States] sent. Sep 2: My 1st walk since being sick. to Nelt's shop. Sep 3: Mr & Mrs Gratrix came. [minister and his wife. I believe the name was actually spelled Gratorix.-pf] Sep 9: Burns lathem came. Took pa & Jamie & I to Canso. Saw Sylvia. had a nice time. Sep 10: Rained. Uncle George and a crowd in tonight. Sep 11: Burns Lathem took Gran. to Antigonish. Dorothy, Annie, Connie, Miss Brennan all listening to car radio. Sep 12: Lydia Rhynold was married today I think. Sep 15: Vera came home from Halifax. Joe Hefferman Hilda family down this week. Sep 22: Mag Hefferman and others down today. Sep 23: Mr Earl came tonight. Sep 24: he took Burns Lathem away. Mr & Mrs Roberts Mr McKay here a.m. from Caribou. Miss Freeman giving cooking and sewing lessons at Nelt's. Sep 28: I cleaned for the 1st time since being sick. Mr Earl & Burns came but just Mr. Earl stayed. Sep 29: Mr Earl left. Priest, Hubert & Johnny Pelrine here. Mr McKichan stayed all night. Sep 30: Jamie, Connie & I drove with McKichan to his meeting. Cyril Ready spoke. Loud made a fuss [Louden Munroe]. Gerald and Isabelle married. [Gerald Munroe marrying Isabel Fraser] Oct 2: Gran came from hospital. Hilda Hefferman, Mrs Cornet here. Oct 3: Guild at Annie's [Annie (Ehler) Duncan]. Cyril and Mr Landry here. Oct 4: Concert in Hall. Bob Ehler, Henry McKinnon, Wilfred Delory, Lloyd Allen, Ralph Polsen. Dave [Duncan] & Nelt [Grover] each got a dog. Oct 5: Burns, Mr Roberts, another man here. Bert & Lola here. Bill, Harry, Bernie, Earl, big crowd to hear show boys. They left tonight. Lloyd spent most of day here. Oct 10: Picked berries every day since Tuesday. Oct 11. Lovely night. Priest here. Connie & I outdoors. Oct 12: Ethel [Grover], teacher [who was boarding at Ethel's], George [Grover], Calvin [Grover, Ethel and George's son], Ina [Grover], Sidney [Grover] all here tonight. Teacher, Dorothy & I to Nelt's. Oct 13: Harvest festival at Methodist church. Oct 14: Big election. Liberals won. (Reconstruction this year). Oct 15: Mr Dagget here. Ed George, Burn, Bill Jamison, Harry, George LeRoy here. I took kersene oil went to bed. [a common "tonic" of the time - pf] Oct 24: Trimmed church for Harvest Oct 25: Mr McLean and Mr Hersey of Country Harbour preached. Gran took sick. Aunt Deen & Charlie stayed all night. McLeans here. [Charlie Duncan was "Gran's" brother and was married to Zenia (Grover) whose nickname was "Dean"] Oct 26: McLeans & Hersey her again. Communion. Annie Harry Ina Sidney stayed. Connie slept with me. Bean supper at parsonage. I didn't go. Oct 27: Clarie George preached in M.church. [Methodist]. Henry McKinnon came last night. Went back today. Oct 28: Aunt Ethel & George and Dean & Charlie stayed. Re-organized study club. Hazel secretary, Merle treasurer, Annie president. I vice-president. Oct 30: Cealie stayed tonight [Cecilia (Armsworthy) Uloth. Presumably these people are staying overnight to help with Grandmother Feltmate who is ill. ] Oct 31: Not much fun for Halloween. Georgena & Ida dressed up and went to Uncle George's. Annie stayed tonight. Nov 1: Jamie, Vera & I playing at Falcon's. Alice & Lizzie stayed here. [Alice (Tanner) Duncan married to Falcon and Lizzie (Duncan Rhynold) Porter] Nov 2: Study club at Annie's. Hallowe'en fun. Lydia Duncan stayed. Nov 3: church morning and evening. Fan & Jim [Grover] stayed. Nov 6: Service tonight with these ministers: Mr Edwards Guysboro. Mr Plumber (Dean), Mr Shehea Canso. Mr Hersey Country Harbour. Mr Lakie Ecom Secom, Mr Hatten Liscomb. Mr Hares Mulgrave) Nov 9: Ed F and Bill Spears sold poppies. [probably Ed Fraser] Nov 12: Mrs F[eltmate and her son] Can [Feltmate], Jim Duncan & I to Antigonish. Dinner at Wongs. Nov 14: 2 Lunenburg vessels in. Jamie went out aboard them. Ross F[eltmate] to dinner. Nov 15: Mrs Feltmate went through operation. Nov 17: Jack Phalen's baby christened Nora Pearl with Merle, Dorothy and Sidney godparents. Nov 20: Margaret Grover & Ross Feltmate married. Was to wedding. Danced with Doug Fraser. Nov 27: To Dave's knitting this p.m. Nov 28: Harold Grover, Ed Fraser selling beef. Nov 29: Pa to Canso with Rita's Mac [Rita Williams later married Allen "Mac" MacLennan]. I to school practise. Supper to Ethel's [Grover]. Hazel, Agatha and I to Connie's sewing club. Dec 5: Dance in Hall. Henry & I played. $2 from one guy. $1 from another. [some vessels must have been in, and the fellows attending the dance were "tipping" them for providing the music -pf] Dec 6: Captain Doane at Harry's. Nelt, Sidney, Connie, Dean, Charlie, Pa, Ma, Jamie & I there. He and Henry played together also he & Jamie with me chording. Dec 18: Miss Marie LeBlanc at aunt Ethel's teaching knitting. Concert up the river. Dec 19: School concert in hall. I played and read programme. They made $10.20. Dec 25: Agatha [Munroe] lighted candles on tree. Dec 31: I am not discouraged with 1935 altho' it was not so kind as it might have been. Perhaps 1936 will make up for it. |