[A new era as Marion Feltmate is about to turn 23, and World War II
is on the horizon. Her brother Jamie with whom she had been very close
has now "gone away" to Radio College in Ontario. She is still
not strong, taking the "long rest cure" for tuberculosis. She
continues to carry on an extensive correspondence, letters going and coming
everyday with relatives, friends from the Kentville Sanitorium and friends
from Whitehead who have "gone away."]
Jan 4: Nova in a.m. Stayed in harbor. Big gale & snow. We sat
in dining room. No one here.
Jan 5: Nova started out. Had to come back. Carroll home today and tonite.
Still blowing. Pa & Carroll to Nelt's. Mama & I wrote.
Jan 6: Nova went to Canso. Came back this evening. Not very fine.
Jan 9: Clarence Richardson has measles. Nova in. Nice day. Went up to
Connie's with bottle. [Connie's mother who was Marion's aunt Ina (Roberts)
Grover, gave Marion milk.-pf]
Jan 10: Saw Percy M. in shop tonite. Mama and I to Uncle Dan's [Dan
George]. Cealie there. [Cecilia (Armsworthy) Uloth]
Jan 11: Pa was 65 today [William Thomas "Billy Tom" Feltmate,
son of Samuel D. and Eunice Leannas (Duncan) Feltmate -pf]
Jan 12: No church. Too wet.
Jan 13: cold day
Jan 16: Pa to Antigonish. Willie took him to the bus. Helen G[rover]
& Anna May R[ichardson] here to dinner. Also Agatha [Munroe].
Dan George here p.m. to telephone. Guild at Aunt Ethel's [Grover]
Jan 17: Pa came home to Canso road with Billy Mac. Willie brought
him to Whitehead. Agatha here to dinner.
Jan 19: No church tonite. too much snow down.
Jan 21: Fred's [Rhynold] & Lizzie's [(Duncan Rhynold) Porter]
children have measles.
Jan 22: Dr. Smith from Goldboro was to Pervis's [George] inoculating
for diptheria.
Jan 24: Church tonite (Friday). Mr Abbot [the minister] came with
postman this morning.
Jan 25: Brian Marr here to supper. Meeting in store. He got F. Cashen
to come for him with horse. Snowing. Early communion this morning. Mr
Abbot's first.
Jan 26: George Fraser here p.m.
Jan 27: Mailed 7 letters. Patched pyjamas and slip.
Jan 28: Fine. Went to Alice's [Duncan] p.m. Went to Connie's [Grover]
this evening. Merle & Agatha [Munroe sisters] came there
and 4 of us came down home and Carroll [Feltmate] played violin,
Agatha banjo and I guitar.
Jan 30: Connie came for me. We went to guild at Johanna's [Grover].
[Johanna was Connie's maternal grandmother - pf]
Jan 31: finer today. Anna May Richardson here to dinner. Arthur [Rhynold]
brought 2 ducks this evening. Mama & I to Alice's. Mama quilting.
Feb 1: Nova in. I walked back of island. Too much snow.
Feb 2: Fine. Went to church tonight. Haulover people there.
Feb 4: Snow storm. No one went out tonite.
Feb 6: Lovely night. Connie & I to Agatha's. Ainsley played &
Murry [Agatha & Merle's brothers -pf]
Feb 7: Lovely day. Went down to Nova. Lloyd Hensbee's wife died early
a.m. diptheria.
Feb 8: It is wet walking. slush & ice.
Feb 9: So icy on road. Harbor full of ice.
Feb 10: Ice gone out. No mail until today from Monday to Monday.
Feb 12: Arthur Rhynold's birthday. Clara R. is quite sick. Spurge Snow's
Mildred went to hospital. Bursted appendix.
Feb 14: Nova stayed in. Nova did not come to Co-op wharf.
Feb 15: Heard Mary Ellen did not have diptheria [Fanny (Feltmate) &
Almon Munroe's daughter -pf] Nova did not come to Co-op wharf. There
was some ice. Carl Fitz[gerald] came home yesterday.
Feb 17: Went up to Nelt's for Pa as Mrs Dunc and Elizabeth were here.
[Mrs Duncan MacDonald]. Nova stayed in but no one down.
Feb 18: Got Eaton's parcel of print.
Feb 20: No mail. Snow drifts. Pa didn't go out tonite. Worked at cushion
and cut butterflies for quilt.
Feb 21: Shoveled roads here. Snow Very high. Got the Toronto paper from
Feb 23: Thelma [Porter} here. Falcon, Edna, Jim,Ethel, George all
here tonight. Mrs Feltmate & Earl here p.m. I walked up to bridge
with Pa.
Feb 24: [Marion's mother's birthday] Mama got cards from [son]
Jamie & [neice] Reta [(Williams) MacLennan]. Letter from
[son] Max. She hooked at Ethel's. I stayed home.
Feb 25: Mama & I to Alice's tonite. Mama hooked.
Mar 3: School meeting tonight. I was to Nelt's. Carroll went to the River
to stay with Calvin in Fraser's house and haul wood.
Mar 5: Alice hooked about an hour here. Wrote Isabel and done butterfly.
Mama hooked. Pa cleaned shop. Wrote order to Eatons.
Mar 10: Slippery. Went to Alice's [Duncan]. Heard Blondie [on
Mar 11: No mail came. Nova in. They say O'Connel went to Yarmouth.
Mar 13: Icy! Guild here. Alice, Ina, Connie, Johanna, Ida, Vivian, Ethel,
teacher. Carroll made salmon sandwiches.
Mar 14: Huntley [Hendsbee] and Clarence R[hynold] got stuck
in ice in their dory going from here to Three Top [Island] from 12 noon
to 6 p.m. but got out theirselves. Jim Grover here to supper.
Mar 24: Ina [Grover] hooked here all afternoon and evening. Johanna
here this evening. O'Connel waved today. I was to Nelt's and Connie's
Mar 25: Aunt Fan hooked. Here for dinner and supper. Earl here tonite.
Mary and family movd on the big island [White Head Island] with
Jim Duncan.
Mar 26: No mail. They shoveled snow far as Loud's p.m. [Louden Munroe]
Mar 28: Saw Angus Feltmate in shop.
Mar 31: They made lilies at Nelt's. Carl Fitz here for eggs today.[Fitzgerald]
April 4: Saw Everett
[Feltmate] and Jack Shrider down in store.
April 5: Choir practice at Ina's [Grover]. Mama & I to Alice's
to hear Truth or Consequence. Radio bad. Mrs [Harmon] Feltmate
over today.
April 6: Went back to the shore. Fine. Nova in before I got up. She is
off the Chedabucto route now.
April 7: Joe Munroe here.
April 9: Wednesday. They cleaned the church and trimmed for Easter. Mrs.
F. over while Mama to church. Lones Feltmate here.
April 10: Pa not feeling good
April 11: Pa sick but getting around.
April 12: Bernie [probably Munroe] came home from Halifax last evening
with Clayton (Harv Munroe's boy).
April 14: Nova boat in today. Pa feeling better.
April 15: The men discovered that $20 worth of rope was stolen from freight.
April 17: Got up early. Nova called coming from East with coal. Mrs Feltmate
over. Mrs Tanner here to see her. Bill Phalen here tonight.
April 19: Jim Grover here to dinner. Calvin Bennet up. Fishermen's meeting
at Hall.
April 20: Helen Grover & Anna May here to dinner. Mr & Mrs Abbott
to supper. church tonight.
April 21: Alice Jamieson & Mrs Bill Jamieson came over with the minister
last night. Alice here a.m. also George Fraser. Cop down. Clyde's store
burned down last night.
April 22: Mama cleaning pantry. I was to Ida's this evening. Genette is
staying there. She & Vivian came far as bridge. (I believe these are
all of the George family - pf]
April 23: Went in the store saw Mr. Gorley. Joe Grover here tonight.
April 25: I went to Nelt's to call for Pa. He was wanted on the phone.
I didn't stay.
April 26: Sewed some block together this evening while Falcon [Duncan]
was here. Gave him one of my date squares.
April 29: Finished sewing blocks. Letter from Cape Breton Handicrafts.
May 1: Agatha [Munroe] here to dinner. The turtle isn't well. Finished
my quilt.
May 2: Wrote letters for Apron Club.
May 3: Started to make swimming hole for turtle.
May 5: Finished turle's pen.
May 15: Carroll took me to Ethel's in boat. She & teacher & I
went to the Show.
May 17: Dance in hall for Queen's Fund. Mr Kent here to the gate. Harry
Cashen, Mildred Marr & Freddie Pelrine here. Took Mama to party.
May 18: The party brought $37.00. Church tonight. Evelyn George there.
May 19: Went to Nelt's house & shop a.m. Sam Digdon over and
red headed soldier. George Fraser and Keith Hensbee to dinner.
May 20: Aunt Fan [(Jamieson) Grover] cleaned and papered kitchen.
Nova in. 12 planes went by. Gerald Munroe broke his leg.
May 21: Saw Doyle. He bought 6 tickets. Ross McKenzie and Don Bars went
up with him to Halifax. They are from Canso. Aunt Ethel sold some tickets
for me.
May 22: Carroll [Marion's brother] had a lobster weighed 13 lbs
6 oz. Pat Munroe and Ellison, Harry and Don [both Feltmates] here
May 23: Mama cleaned the hall. Edith & Burpie, Billy and Mrs Tanner
came this evening. [Mrs Tanner was Mary widow of Captain Leander Tanner,
and Edith was her daughter married to Burpee Darling. Billy was Burpee's
and Edith's son.-pf]
May 24: Peter, Helena, Marie, Simon & Anne came over. Carroll
went back to Queensport with him. Harry & John Grover here today.
[Peter David Carroll and his wife Helena E. (Williams), Helena's sister
Marie who later would marry Robert Spidell, Helena's & Marie's parents
Simon and Anne (Grover) Williams who were Marion's aunt and uncle. Carroll
is Marion's brother Carroll Feltmate, whose given name had nothing to
do with Peter's surname, as far as I know. -pf]
May 25: Helena, Pete, Anne, Marie, Evelyn, Freda and Carroll came
over. I went to Truro with Pete. Slightly sick. Met Nettie McLean and
Theresa Taylor.
May 26: [Marion is staying in Truro for awhile]. Met Kay McLean,
Helen Greencorn, Annie Sponagle and Mrs. Glover. Walked out with Mary.
Mabel up this evening from school.
May 27: Nettie McLean & I went to hair dressers for appointment. Bought
cream and cards. Milk. Mabel & I to the Met. I walked part way home
with her. Mrs Chisholm, Nettie, Theresa & Edith here.
May 28: Went for perminent (23 curls) 10 a.m. to 12:30. Had pictures taken
on the roof. Annie & I went to the college [probably the Agricultural
College in Truro with its beautiful grounds -pf] & to Larry's.
May 29: Rain. Rested read to kids. Saw the Band, only a few Highlanders.
Helen Fulton to supper. Bought ice cream 30 cents.
May 30: Had to sleep in the kids room last night. Gave my bed to post
office gink. Left Truro 1.25. Young trainman too friendly. Met Leo Peters,
M.P. in Army. [might be Les Peters -pf] Annie met me at station
in N[ew] G[lasgow] . Went by bus to Trenton. Over to Clissie's
[(Uloth) Ward] short time.
May 31: [Marion is now staying in Trenton for awhile -pf] Annie
[(Ehler) Duncan] & I & children [Harold & Keith]
to Lydia's and saw Deltha. Also Ida's. Got ice cream. Washed stockings.
Washed dishes. Annie and I to parade. Kilties bagpipes & drums. Went
up to Bill Murry's to watch the square dance. Got ice cream in Trenton.
June 2: Washed a.m. Went to Lydia's and to Dr. Crummy's. Had blood test
for $1.00. Had supper to Lydia's too and went to the parade.
June 3: Wrote Les [Leo?] Peters and Peter. Earl McKinnon to dinner.
Lydia and I went to Dentest Milne. Saw Ola at the dentist. Went to Lucetta's
had supper. Saw Thelma and Adrienne. Tooth cost $1.00. [This was probably
Ola (Grover)Townsend; Lucetta Hope (Uloth) dau of Abe & Charity and
wife of Ernest Uloth; Lucetta's sister Adrienne who would soon marry John
Duncan Fraser -pf]
June 6: Went to Lydia's had dinner. Aunt Deen [Zenia S (Grover)
Duncan widow of Charlie Duncan, now living in Trenton] to Annie's
today. Lydia went to Jhn's with me. Peter called. We went to Hospital
at Antigonish. Also Fraser's. Got to Queensport after 10
June 7: Stayed to Aunt Anne's [(Grover) Williams] last night. Marie
[Williams] & I to Aunt Eliza's. [This was probably Eliza
(Grover) married to William Edmund "Ed" George -pf]. Helena,
Pete, Anne, Marie & I came to Whitehead. Carroll [Feltmate] went
back with them. Marie stayed with Connie [Grover].
Jun 9: Went to Ida's [(Uloth) George] with Vera. Saw Ad, Georgina,
Betty. They took me to Aunt Ethel's [(Uloth) Grover]. She came
down with me after supper. [Ida's stepdaughter Georgina (George) was
married to Adam M. Fitzgerald, commonly known as "Ad Fitz" -pf]
Jun 12: Went to Nelt's. Connie drew the ticket on my cushion and Nelt
won it.
Jun 13: Connie has measles
Jun 14: Weighed 96 1/2. Agnes here this evening. Hughie & Joe
Granville came.
Jun 15: Thelma [Porter, dau of Sam and Lizzie (Duncan Rhynold) Porter]
has measles.
Jun 16: Evelyn's baby has spinal meningitis since last Saturday. Pa &
Carroll to Canso. George & Borden [both Grovers] here to supper also
Duncan McDonald.
Jun 17: 3 men to store with Henry Spears. They were off a tug boat. One
sent telegram to Rhode Island. Doyle & Baily to store.
Jun 18: Mrs Dunc McDonald here getting Huntley census Borden ate dinner.
Jun 22: Harry D, Ed Pyche and Lawrence Munroe were down today.
Mama and I went to Aunt Ethel's with them.
Jun 23: Mama to office [post office]. I met her. parcel from Eaton's.
Hause [Horace Pyche] over this evening.
Jun 26: Aunt Deen here to supper. Saw most of Albert Munroe's family a.m.
Show tonight. [Albert Munroe and Leona (Peitzsch) had 11 children.
They lived in Yankee Cove where Leona had been born. They moved to Whitehead
in 1947 partly because it was said their house in Yankee Cove was haunted.
Leona died in 2002 at age 106.-pf]
Jun 27: Wrote Venie. Mr Conrad here took the letter. Nova in. Mama
finished papering Jamie's room.
June 28: Got a chocolate pattie at the store. Worked on cushion.
June 29: Joe Heffern, tom & Andy Fraser & Mrs Fraser and Mrs Warner
here to dinner, also Fan, Jim and Marion [all Grovers]
Jul 1: Dusted the books. Saw 4 or 5 ships going by together, going
west. Went down on hill and also back of island with Mama. Mrs Tanner
here for patches. Dance in Port Felix but no cars available.
Jul 2: Sold cushion to Aunt Deen.
Jul 4: Earl took me & mum up to the Dance. Some there from Cole Harbour.
Jul 5: Another dance. They sold ice cream. Mum & I went up with Charlie
Abram. Joe Grant & Gerald Fitzgerald here this evening before the
Jul 6: Went up on beach awhile. Mama & Alice went to Edna Duncan's.
Jul 7: Hill Billy show. Ma & Pa went.
Jul 8: Jess McKenzie here while I was resting. Mama & I played fiddle
& organ. Caroline & Ed came. ["Jess" McKenzie was
Jasper who had been married to Marion's aunt Zylphia (Feltmate) for a
few short years until Zylphia's untimely death in childbirth. Jess had
remarried to Annie (Armsworthy). Caroline and Ed were Creamers -pf]
Jul 9: Mama, Alice, Lizzie, Gloria & Joyce & Earl went to
Canso.They had perminents. $3.75. Pa cooked tongues for dinner.
I got supper.
Jul 11: Carry & Ed here a.m.
Jul 12: Nova stayed in but I didn't see anyone.
Jul 13: Church tonight. Teddy DeWolfe preached.
Jul 15: Convention day. to dinner we had Mr DeWolfe, McSween, McAnerney,
P. Pelrine, Fr Kyke & Forest.
Jul 16: Mr George Munroe died just as Mama & Ethel got there last
night. Today Eva Hambling and Marion Matthews here with Ina.
Jul 17: Willie U[loth] sent his records down. I played & wrote down.
Jul 18: Went back of island. Rested there awhile. Had blanket book glasses.
Jul 19: Rufus Ethel Ab Ann Mrs Trenholm & driver to Dan's. Mildred
Roy Margaret & husband to Ethels. Bill Phalen and Fred rhynold here
short time. Mama & I cleaned upstairs tonight.
Jul 20: Mildred Ward & Roy Murry here a.m. Clarence Richardson to
dinner. Jud Roberts here p.m.
Jul 21: Dorothy Ed Douglas came last night to Nelt's [the Baker family].
I came to Port Hawksbury with them. Stayed in tonight.
Jul 22: Went to post office twice and for milk.
Jul 23: Played out in yard with Douglas. We went over on ferry. Drove
to Monestry with Eddie, Dorothy. Came on bus to Earns. Goldie George buried
today. Clara Paul Ann McKenzie here.
Jul 24: Aunt Deen here to dinner. June here all p.m. Also Katie, Joe,
Joan, Lot and Mrs ANgus Munroe. Guild at Aunt Fan's tonight. Mama went
with others in Dunc's truck.Nova in to Nelt's.
Jul 25: Wrote news for Mrs Conrad for Canso Breeze.
Jul 26: Huntly [Hendsbee] took a crowd down on island.
Jul 29: Edie McDuff, Mary, Feeb, her husband and Robert, also Loods [?]
and Harry McDuff's mother all here p.m. Mama gave them cake.
["Edie" Edith, Mary and "Feeb" Phoebe, were sisters,
all the children of Levi and Harriet McDuff -pf]
July 30: Saw Gill's truck out here. Agent Reed & Mrs Reed and
Sylvia Bridgehouse here. Saw little car. Fellow & girl. That it was
Jud. I went to Ida's. June met me and went too. Cameron Vera Betty picked
us up coming home. Betty got her fingers jammed.
Jul 31: I picked some crow berries. Met Mr Rutledge.
Aug 1: Saw 3 good looking boys in car passing up. They were prospecting
on Uncle Ike's hill [Isaac Grover's, at the southernmost end of Lower
Whitehead, the area that later became the LORAN station. -pf]
Aug 6: Edna Rhynold here.
Aug 7: Lovely warm day. They carried hay up.
Aug 8: Tidied up front room . Melba here p.m. and to supper. We danced.
Mama & I to Alice's to hear the Ontario Highlanders broadcast from
Aug 9: They are having a dance in Hall for Johnny Munroe.
Aug 10: Jim Myers here.
Aug 11: Felt sort of lonesome. Crocheted & played as usual. Connie
& Agatha in just a few minutes this evening. We went far as bridge.
Connie & I to Nelt's.
Aug 12: Clyde Roberts to the store a.m.. Huntley here tonight because
afraid his boat would fill.
Aug 13: Dance at Hall for Johnny too I guess.
Aug 14: Went up to get Pa from hay field for Mr Anderson agent. Russel
M is home to Loud's [Louden Munroe]
Aug 19: Went up and got towels to do for Guild. Aunt Fan to supper. I
went to Agatha's alone. While gone, Mrs Loud, her sister Kate, her daughters
and Margaret here. [Mrs Louden Munroe was Violetta (Fitzgerald), daughter
of John and Elizabeth Ann (Uloth) Fitzgerald. -pf]
Aug 20: Got war saving certificate.
Aug 24: Annie Ander,
Norm & wife, Blanch & kids (Allen & Judith) here. Church tonight.
Connie, Leslie & I on swing. Pa, Ma & I to Leslie's after to hear
Churchill [Winston Churchill on the radio at Leslie Duncan's. Leslie
was still living at home with his parents, Alice and Falcon Duncan. -pf]
Aug 25: Evelyn & Keddy here for eggs.
Aug 27: Last night Can's store, the ice house & all burnt down. Mr
& Mrs Conrod here tonight.
Aug 28: Mrs [Harmon] Feltmate over. I worked on orange cushion. Connie
& Agatha here tonite dancing. I went as far as church with them. Clarence
Rhynold went in training. I think Jamie Phalen went yesterday.
Aug 31: Harry Duncan down also John Grover. Jean Dobson here.
Sep 1: John Grover ate here. Ina [Grover] gave me some string beans.
Falcon [Duncan] made a quilt pattern for me. Pa went to Halifax.
All the visitors left. Leslie [Duncan] went to Halifax.
Sep 2: Agatha made my pattern larger. Mum & I sewed some pieces together.
Sep 3: Saw Kell just married.
Sep 4: Aunt Fan, Marion, Margaret and Uncle Alex's [Jamieson's] Leta,
also Leta's 3 kids Norma, Babe & Marj here to supper. Lovely moonlight.
[Leta or Leata Jamieson was married to Burt Williams and in addition
to an older son Norman, she had children Norma, "Babe" whose
full name was Jameson Ralph Williams, and Marjorie -pf]
Sep 5: Murry & Sam came home from C.B. Pa came from Halifax.
Sep 7: There were 5 sword-fishing boats at Neville's and 3 at Nelt's.
Connie and I up by church saw Kenneth, Willie, Clarence in soldier suits.
We were all to church tonight. [I believe this was Kenneth Munroe,
Willie Uloth and Clarence Rhynold - pf]
Sep 8: Ida, Vivian, Essie George here on honeymoon. Patsy with her.
Sep 9: Jim Grover to dinner. Spurge Snow to supper.
Sep 10: Went to Aunt Ethel's [Grover] in boat. Went to dance from
there with Calvin [Grover, Ethel & George's son]. Had 1 dance
with Everett [Feltmate]. 1 with Ainsley. Came home with Mama &
Sep 11: Went to Falcon's [Duncan] p.m. They got a water dog yesterday.
Jack Shrider here tonight. Lizzie & Bertha Pyche went to New Glasgow.
Sep 12: Got radio tonight
Sep 13: Connie [Grover] & I went to Agatha's [Munroe].
They got a new chesterfield suite and radio. Bernie & Murry was home
[Agatha's brothers]
Sep 14: Ma & Pa to cemetary.
Sep 15: Lexie came, little Hughie and big Hughie. [Alexie Odessa (Duncan)
Bigney had a brother Hugh Duncan and a little son Hugh Bigney -pf]
Sep 16: Mama & Lexie to Johanna's. I stayed in. Mag McDuff husband.
Mary. Also Bill McDuff here.
Sep 18: Lexie on barrens. Hughie with us. At Agatha's Murry played some.
Ainsley [Munroe] & Connie [Grover] had a one step. I think Clara's
baby Lindsay born. [Lindsay Alfred Rhynold, son of Clara (Jones) and
Fred Rhynold -pf]
Sep 19: Lexie visiting. Connie& I met her at Agatha's. New Glasgow
called her as Shirley is sick [Lexie's older daughter-pf]. I went
to Albert's [Uloth] for Hugh. He wasn't there. Card party there.
Sep 20: Went to Ina's & Johanna's for butter for Mrs F[eltmate].
Lexie went home this morning.
Sep 21: Fast protrol boat went up. [sic]. also government steamer
Sep 22: Patrol boat went out.
Sep 24: Had a letter from Jamie [Feltmate her brother, at Radio College
in Toronto]. He is going (or went) North. [He was posted to Porquis
Airport in northern Ontario near Timmins by the Dept. of Transport -pf]
Sep 26: Sewed. Took letters up to Connie to mail. Saw her new coat.
Grey fur. Sat in and sewed & cut tonite too. Alberta Jack had show.
Sep 27: Montcalm in again. Eddie Jennix sent a box of penny goods. He
wasn't ashore.
Sep 28: John Dillon & Goff [sic] Peart to supper. Connie, Aunt
Ethel & George also Jim Myers here tonight.
Sep 29: Sat up tonight to hear fight between Joe Louis and Lu Nova. Nova
knocked out in the 6th round. No more fight but he was game for another
Sep 30: Sat up late to hear Fibber McGee. Joe Grover here. Jamie is in
Porquis, Northern Ontario.
Oct 1: Cop & stranger down today. Can & Fos [Feltmate, Cannon
Feltmate and his wife Fostina] away somewhere. A Mr Jack Welsh drowned
today in Canso. Agatha [Munroe] started teaching today.
Oct 3: Mrs Thurloe's birthday. Guild over there. [Minnie (Uloth) married
to Thurloe Munroe]. Bernie acted the clown all evening. [Minnie
& Thurloe's son]
Oct 4: Lizzie Ceret here. Lots of programs on tonight.
Oct 6: Have Munroe [Havelock] & Calvin here a short time tonight.
Oct 7: Train wreck and no mail. Vestry meeting tonight.
Oct 9: Worked on Pa's book in store. Saw Clyde Roberts there. Mama cleaned
church. Fan & Jim [Grover] to supper. Bernie here tonite also
Angus F[eltmate], Uncle George [Grover], Sidney [Grover]
Oct 10: Pa, Angus F, George G, Purvis went to Guysboro political convention.
I made my Red Cross block today.
Oct 12: John Grover was down today.
Oct 13: Jamie Phalen here short time.
Oct 14: Last night I had awful pains. Took physic.
Oct 15: Aunt Ethel, Uncle George, Joe Grover here.
Oct 18: Pa to Port Felix with McIntyre. Conservative meeting. One here
Oct 19: Communion and thanksgiving service. I was down to Nova. New crew.
Landry not on (sick). Sam Porter here.
Oct 24: Carl Fitz here to dinner [Fitzgerald].
Oct 25: Carroll to Guysboro with his boil. We enjoyed radio tonight.
Oct 26: Went to Queensport with Harry D[uncan]. Snow! John Williams
here tonight and Marie [Williams] went to church. [Marion is
staying at her Aunt Ann (Grover) Williams' home in Queensport]
Oct 27: Walked out with Marie past Let's. Seymour Murphy here tonight.
Played records.
Oct 28: Election Day. Rain!
Oct 29: Went down to Let's. Marie went to the dance. Let & John here.
[Lettie (Feltmate) and John Williams]
Oct 30: Mama came with Earl a.m. W.A meeting at Dorothy Williams.
Mama & Anne went.
Oct 31: Very quiet Hallowe'en. Show tonight. Marie & I wrote songs
and played records, played cards. Marie & I walked up to George Jamison's
gate. [Marie is dau of Ann and Simon Williams, where Marion is staying,
and is Marion's cousin -pf]
Nov 3: Mama & I to Uncle Alex's. [Alexander Jamieson, brother
of Marion's Grandmother Grover, married to Cynthia (Feltmate)-pf]
Nov 4: Marie & I walked down past Arthur O'Leary's. Had fun between
Nov 5: I visited the school, the [post] office, we walked down
past Mae Matheson's.
Nov 7: Rain! Marie didn't go to school. Mama & I came on bus 25 cents
each. Earn H[endsbee] brought us for $1.00
Nov 13: Went to Nelt's for apples for Jim Duncan. Marion Cashen &
Pauline Fougere here selling cards. Guild at Ina's
Nov 14: Went to Falcon's. He got a deer today.
Nov 15: Rettie H here.
Nov 19: To Nelt's after dinner. Marshal Smith there.
Nov 24: Falcon crated the fiddle for Jamie. [Marion's brother had sent
home for his fiddle -pf]
Nov 26: George Fraser here short time.
Nov 28: Shim here to supper till almost 10. Going away Sunday. Joe G here.
Going home tomorrow.
Nov 29: Mama, Pa, Carroll all to Reception at Turners. Winslow & Winifred
married. [Winslow D Munroe married Winnifred Cavanaugh -pf]
Dec 2: Ma & Pa to Uncle Dan's [George] tonight. Uncle Joe
died yesterday evening after 7. [I believe this was Joe Uloth -pf]
Dec 3: Fine. Uncle Joe's funeral. No strangers except Henry Uloth,
Rich [Uloth] and others [from Cole Harbour] Only Bill Phalen
& Sidney [Grover] here tonight.
Dec 4: Uncle George [Grover] brought liver to me. 2 agents Rutledge
& McDonald to supper.
Dec 7: The Japenese bombed U S A without warning.
Dec 8: Malissa & Mrs Tanner to supper. I went up with them to light
them to the door.
Dec 9: Carroll went up to bait.
Dec 10: Allison bought a cushion.
Dec 11: George Fraser here rest hour, bot a cushion.
Dec 12: I was to Nelt's for thread.
Dec 13: 2 great big steamers and a little one came in. I have pleurisy
I guess, pain in back 2 or 3 days.
Dec 20: Sidney stayed and heard Prince Albert programme.
Dec 23: Jim Myers & Bill Richardson here. Leslie [Duncan] &
Everett [Feltmate] got home.
Dec 24: Leslie [Duncan] & Connie [Grover] delivered
Dec 27: Leslie, Clarence [Rhynold], Everett went away again. Les
& Ev to Halifax. Clarence to Camp Borden I think.
Dec 28: Church tonight. George Ehler was there. Big crowd.
Dec 31: Mama & Carroll & I went to Angus Feltmate's to chowder
party. Duncan took us. We walked home.