Jan 3: They have Nelt's house wired but not lighted yet. [Clement Moynelta
Grover and his wife Johanna (Uloth Roberts)-pf]
Jan 4: Pa & Ernie to Antigonish. Roy got Charlie's car while he's
away to Korea. Roy took the Guild women to aunt Ethel's.
Jan 5: We played records and tried to waltz tonight.
Jan 6: Finished at the Union. Felt a bit lonesome tonight. Don paid me
14.00 for the last two weeks.
Jan 7: Mama & Ernie & I to see Joe Grover and to Uncle Simon's
[Williams]. Wilfred there and we sang.
Jan 11: Pa 75 today. Carroll is going to Newfoundland.
Jan 12: Ernie & Earl Fanning & I to Canso. Blood 80. Terrible
road. Stormy tonight.
Jan 17: Ernie & I to show "Mutiny on the Bounty"
Jan 19: Cleaning shelves in the store today
Jan 20: Lovely day. the roads have been muddy for 2 weeks. Ernie here
tonight but we had to stay in as it's too muddy to drive out.
[no entries Jan 21-Feb 1 -pf]
Feb 1: Too wet for the Guild
Feb 2: Fostena & Can [Feltmate] went to St John for a week.
[Can or Cann was son of Harmon and Margaret Feltmate. His wife Fostena
or Faustina was a daughter of Eben and Sadie (McKay) Munroe -pf]
Feb 4: sleet this morning. No church. No company.
Feb 8: Ernie here. He was out to see the high tide.
Feb 22: Worked for Don [Feltmate] today. Pain in my side. Ernie
& Roy [Ehler] took me to Canso to the dr this evening. Dr.
Walsh says it isn't appendix.
Feb 27: Went to Antigonish hospital
Feb 28: Operated on about 11.30 a.m. Had a spinal.
Mar 3: Still drinking juices and soup.
Mar 6: No pain now. I have food now. Was up 1/2 hr
Mar 7: up 2 hrs. Dr Carroll took out 3 sts.
Mar 8: To the bathroom. No more needles. They took out 3 sts more.
Mar 9: They took x-rays of my kidney
Mar 16: Came home today from hospital.
Mar 23: Mama & Pa to church a.m. They went to Queensport with Ernie
also Uncle George [Grover]. Goldie & Sylvia [Williams sisters]
home. Fine today altho' it is good Friday
Mar 31:Ernie went home to Glace Bay. his father got pneumonia.
Apr 5: Uncle Simon [Williams] died. [He was married to Marion's
mother's sister Ann (Grover). He was a son of Valentine Jacob and Abigail
(Ehler) Williams -pf]
Apr 13: We ordered flowers for Mr Pyke $6 spray from Antigonish. Also
sent telegram
Apr 17: Letter from Ernie. Letter from Carroll to Mama. I covered Pa's
Apr 18: Walked far as Nelt's. Met Don Chisholm and Ainsley. Got Don to
phone Ernie ($1.25)
Apr 23: Ainsley [Munroe] took me to Pat's road and I walked down
to Aunt Ethel's. Had lobster salad. She & I went to the show Little
Women. Rain so I stayed all night. Teacher there Wallace Morgan.
Apr 30: Ernie came back from vacation. We went to the show Red Skelton.
May 1: Ernie & I had a little argument about the show in Glace Bay.
May 2: Ernie out hauling traps with Pa. No lobsters.
May 5: Ernie, Pa, Bernie & Connie & I to Port Felix but we didn't
go to the dance. Pa came home with Tommy David.
May 6: Church a.m. Connie [Grover ] & I in choir. dinner at
Connie's. Ernie & I to Guysboro hospital to see Lizzie [Porter]
May 7: Pa has a bad cold
May 8: Ernie & Sid hauled the traps. We cooked lobsters today for
May 11: Tried a Tony [home permanent] on myself but it didn't work
at all.
May 17: John Grover had dinner here.
May 18: Pa, Nelt, John & Ernie went to Cole Harbour but no eels.
May 20: Ernie & I to Glace Bay. Left here about 9. got there around
May 21: Went to Eva Lukeman's. Went for a drive tonight
May 22: Sadie [Pyke] & I to town. Ernie & I to a show at
Sydney. Also saw Carroll tonight
May 23: Had a good trip back home
May 28: Ernie Pa & I to the show. The Yearling
May 31: Waited until 2.30 for Ernie to go visiting and got sore at him.
He went to Canso tonight alone.
Jun 1: Sold tickets today, and am forgiven.
Jun 2: Went to the lobster supper at Mel Munroe's. also to see Mrs G Munroe.
Helena [(Williams)] & Pete [Carroll], Connie, Aunt Ethel,
Uncle George [all Grovers], McCabe, Mama, Pa & I all to Uncle
Sidney's [Grover] to see the movies.
Jun 8: Earl Fanning here to supper. Mrs Jamieson here tonight. I walked
around the shore today.
Jun 10: Ernie & I to Boylston. had a lunch of hot dogs and ice cream
on the hill near the picnic grounds. Mama Pa, Ernie & I for a drive
down the Roman Valley Road.
Jun 19: Joe Hefferman, Alard and another boy here to dinner. Mrs Jamieson
her tonight.
Jun 20: Got word of Herman & Jim Markey this morning. Mama & I
went out to see Mary. [Herman Rhynold, husband of Agnes, and Jim Markey
were overcome by fumes on board their boat while returning from Halifax,
and both died. They were found adrift, by Captain William V Matthews.
Herman was son of Mary and Norman Rhynold. Herman's death left his wife
Agnes with 8 children under age 10, and a new baby on the way -pf ]
Jun 21: Carroll [Feltmate her brother ] came home in the Muriel
Burke with a Grant fellow. Fred [Rhynold], Arth [Rhynold],
& Don [Feltmate] brought Herman home this evening.
Jun 22: Funeral this morning - Herman. Went up to see [Carroll's] boat
but Carroll wasn't aboard. Picnic in Port Felix.
Jun 23: Mama went to Antigonish with Leslie & Alice [Duncan].
Dr hog looked at her feet but she didn't have to stay.
Jun 25: Ernie planted 2 trees.
Jun 28: Dance at the Hall for Home & School. I had supper at the school
Jun 29: Arth [Rhynold] & Nettie Ward [Arth's future wife]
went over to get Connie [Grover].
Jun 30: Went out with Ernie trying to steer the car. [She never did
learn to drive -pf]
Jul 2: Ernie & I to Charlos Cove picnic. Very quiet Came
home early. Bill Brehault came today I think to move into Harris house.
Jul 3: Ernie & I went out for a drive and ate a box of strawberries.
Jul 4: Mrs Jamieson & I went to the Union store and in to Aunt Ethel's.
Jul 5: Ernie & I went to Canso clinic. He says I can't go to Glace
Bay this time. We drove out to the end of the airport.
Jul 6: Ernie went to Glace Bay after 6 p.m. Took Mr [Henry] McCabe. I
went to the Hillbilly show and dance. Helen & I came home with Pa.
Jul 12: Ernie & I to Boylston and out Mulgrave road there a short
Jul 13: Went for a short drive. Took ice cream in to Mrs G Munroe.
Jul 14: Stayed at Lillian's [Rhynold] with her and Louise [Duncan]
until near 12 because Clarence [Rhynold] was working.
Jul 17: Arth Hendsbee & wife, Sidney & Ina [Grover] here
Jul 18: Couldn't sleep last night. Cars coming and going. Ernie &
I went to the Highland Games.
Jul 21: Ernie, Mr Jamieson & I to Guysboro. Called for Mrs Jamieson
at her brothers. Got a perm for $5.
Jul 22: Aubrey Rudolph & Mr McKinnon had supper here. Josh & Grace
& Mary [all McDuffs] & Mrs McDuff at Uncle Sidney's [Grover]
Jul 24: To the dance. Tex and his hillbillies
Jul 25: Ed, Dave, Otto, Earl M, bill & Jamie all went to work at Lismore
Jul 26: Buddy Bigney & wife came today..
Jul 29: I played in church. Ina has rheumatism.
Jul 30: Went to Aunt Ethel's Conrad's and to see "David Copperfield"
Jul 31: Ernie & I to Canso today to Glasgow Head and again to the
ball game tonight and then to Boylston for hot dogs.
Aug 1: For a short drive this evening. I steered good tonight. Jim &
John Dort here.
Aug 2: Jack & Harry Phalen played for a dance tonight.
Aug 7: Harry & Jack played for a dance. We made $35.00 (paid them
Aug 8: Roy [Ehler] took Mama, Pa & I to the Port Felix picnic.
Aug 11: Donny [Feltmate] took Ileen, Isabel, Beryl, Kay, Pauline,
Connie & I to Port Felix dance
Aug 12: Ainsley Pyche & Rose Emberly here. I took some pop down to
Ernie on duty. Willy U[loth] & family came with Ainsley
Aug 13: Ainsley & girlfriend & I out with Norman Rhynold in the
Aug 16: Painted verandas.
Aug 19: Ernie & Pa went to get Jamiesons at Dort's Cove
Aug 22: Helen George married Johnny Baird. I was paid $2 for playing.
Aug 25: To Charlos Cove dance. Good music
Aug 29: Ernie & I went to Canso to the picnic and to Wilfred's. Ernie
got a dish by tossing nickles.
Sep 1: Robert [Conrad]
& Sylvia [George] married today. we followed the car to
Guysboro & Canso. Dance at the Hall. How Casey & I played. [Sylvia
Eileen George was daughter of Daniel Purvis "Purvis" and Lillian
Rose (Cooke) George. Robert LeRoy Conrad was son of Robert Alonzo and
Annie B. (Carley) Conrad -pf]
Sep 5: Clarence's 2nd baby born today. [This was Elizabeth "Betty"
Ann Rhynold born to Clarence and Lillian (Conrad) Rhynold. Quite a week
for the Conrads, as Lillian and Robert LeRoy were sister and brother.-pf]
Sep 6: Leslie [Duncan] took 2 loads of us to Aunt Fan's guild.
Sep 9: Earl [Duncan] took us up through the runs. Gloria &
Erleen [Duncan], Carroll, Mary, Helen & I. Also for a walk
around the shore and church tonight.
Sep 10: Up around the shore for muscle shells. to the show tonight. The
Valley of Decision.
Sep 11: Carroll & Albert & Sangster went fishing today. Mrs Chisholm,
Clara Jarvis & I to Cealie's [Uloth] tonight.
Sep 14: Boiled clams on the beach
Sep 20: Dance for the home & school. Percy Cashin there
Sep 21: Percy Cashin and others over today
Sep 30: the Bishop confirmed Harold today.
Oct 9: Went for a drive. Argued a couple of times. Made up and came home.
Oct 10: Jamiesons, Ernie & I went over to Uloth's Dorts Cove with
cabbage & beef.
Oct 12: Beatrice Duncan came tonight to Earl's [Duncan]
Oct 13: Snow squalls. Beatrice here to dinner
Oct 14: Ernie came back [from a trip home]. We drove to the airport.
It is pretty up there since the leaves turned. He brought mama a butterdish
and me a vase.
Oct 15: Cleared up closet. Mona, Leona and the children here (Edna &
Oct 19: Dance for the school. Had 2 with Ernie, 1 set and 2 polkas with
Bernie, 1 waltz with Kenneth, waltz and 2 polkas with Arklo. Nice time.
Oct 22: Carroll came home from fishing with Sangster
Oct 26: Ernie, the Jamiesons, Aunt Ethel & Uncle George [Grover],
to Marth's & Rich Uloth's tonight. [Ethel, Marth and Rich were
all siblings -pf]
Oct 28: Ernie & I to Harry Feltmate's tonight. Raining.
Oct 29: Ernie, Mrs J. Pa & I at the show. "Gallant Bess"
Oct 31: Went to Lillian's tonight and Carroll set off fire crackers for
Nov 4: Lillian's baby christened Elizabeth Ann [Rhynold]
Nov 7: Ernie, Pa & I to H[alf] I[sland] Cove dance
Nov 10: Mama, Pa, Ernie & I to Percy George's reception at Queensport.
Married Florence O'Leary. Ernie & I to New Glasgow. Left O'Leary's
after 4, had supper around 7 in McCarron's Tea Room
Nov 12: Mama & I & Pa to the show "rose Marie"
Nov 19: Carroll, Bernie & Bill went to bait up for their first. Mrs
J here. Also Muriel R and Reta Munroe
Nov 20: Ernie & I to Canso show. He came in for cabbage after.
Nov 27: I went with Alice, Leslie & Leona [all Duncans] to
Queensport to Mrs Levi Ehler's funeral. An awful day of wind and a bit
of snow too. [Mrs Levi Ehler was Maude (Hendsbee) daughter of Hiram
and Margaret E. (Carter) Hendsbee. I note that the book They Came To Phillips
Harbour says that Mrs Levi Ehler died in 1950, but Marion's diary dates
it clearly as 1951 -pf]
Dec 3: We went to the show "Men of Boys Town"
Dec 5: Went to Clara Jarvis's tonight. Worked at the Union this morning
75 cents
Dec 6: Jamiesons & Ernie & I to Uloth's
Dec 7: Mama mailed a card to the Dorts as we heard Jack is drowned
Dec 14: Worked at the Union this morning. Terrible day. Vapour
Dec 15: Fostena & Cannon [Feltmate], Ernie & I went to
Antigonish. Snow & icy road coming back. Stayed at Uloth's all
Dec 16: Left Sylvester's after breakfast and stayed at Ern Hendsbee's
for dinner and followed the plough home. Got home about 5 pm
Dec 18: Went up and showed Uncle Sidney the view-master tonight
Dec 20: Ernie put the lights on my tree and trimmed the room
Dec 24: Alice [Duncan] & I went out with the basket. Leslie
[Duncan] took us in the car. Church tonight. Wilfred & Ethel
Sangster here before church.
Dec 29: Phylis came for me and I went to the base and played the piano.
Only the Jamiesons, Barb and Spicer there.