by Peggy Feltmate
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Marion's entries while at the Kentville Sanitorium show how important communications from down home in Whitehead were in the day to day activities. January 1: Afternoon tea in pavilion. I didn't go. Wore my new pink bathrobe for the first time. Met Eric Roichaud and others in the Hall. Jan 2: Lovely day. Had a letter from Connie. Old Timers at 8.00 every Sat. Charlottetown. Eliro Gallant, Al Downing, Elzere Doucet. Jan 4: Expecting Tod Lukeman but he din't come. Lawrence in to see me today. Mr. Thompson gave communion. Jan 5: Wrote to Hattie. Washed a pyjama top. Am awful tired. won't do it again. Jan 6: Chest by Dr Found. Doing good. Wrote to Lydi Duncan. Got pictures from Jamie [Feltmate]. Jan 7: Visiting at Old Infirmary. Weighed 105 1/2 today. Jan 8: Went to Medical Section for plorascope [on flyleaf she calls this a fleurascope]. Saw Dr Found, G.G. and Corbet. To a show tonight. talkies. Pickens sisters singing etc. Jan 9: Got fudge from Merle. Feeling quiet this evening. Jan 10: Lovely day. Jan 11: Feeling grand. Jan 12: Wrote to Beatty. Still feeling great. They played the reel for Dick G[?] Anton by Edith and myself. Jan 13: Wrote poetry Got a letter from Johanna Dort, Gladys Duncan and Mum. Jan 14: Got letter from Connie. Saw smoke from the fire in town. Spelling Bee this evening. Very very warm tonight. Jan 17: Mabel & I ate oranges in the bathroom. Listened to church serice and I cried a little. Wrote to Olive. In reception room tonite. Jan 18: Got books from library. Jan 20: Card play tonite Jan 21: Got a letter from home and Allison. Sure a nice surprise. Had a G.I. this p.m. Jan 22: Reading. Wrote long letter home tonight. Jan 25: Flossie [a fellow patient] got news of her little boy's death. Jan 27: Feeling a bit blue today. No letters. Jan 30: badminton game in studio tonite. Feb 7 No visiting allowed in the San because of flu. Feb 11: Got my hair cut. 35 cents. Feb 22: Got letter from Mama and Jamie. Spilt ink on bed also got information from Dakin. Speech from Dr Miller tonight on flu precautions. Feb 25: Xray. Walked over. Mar 3: Report from X-Ray. No improvement according to X-Ray. Phrenic unsuccessful. Mar 4: Chest by Dr. Dyer. He said left side stationary and right definately clearing. Mar 5: Nurses and maids went to Halifax to hocky game. Mar 12: Got letter from Mum & Bella. Also box of eats from Mum. Mar 13: Go the blues hearing Wolfe Carter sing. [sic] Mar 14: A lovely day. Mar 15: Dick and Lena died. Mar 17: St Patrick card play but no one in our porch went. Mar 18: Katherine Horten went home. Mar 20: I've been feeling like my old self for a couple days. Mar 26: Good Friday. Got Easter candy from home, maceroons from Connie, cards from Eliza Simms and Lillian Phalen. Mar 27: Cards from mama, Victoria, and aunt Fan. Parcel from Essie [(MacKenzie) Farrell who lived in the USA]. Card and $2 from Lindsay [Feltmate, her brother in the States] Mar 29: Talking to Dr Found tonight about going home. April 1: Telephone was put in at home. April 16: Had phrenic. Dr Green assisting. Dr Found to see me twice. [this was a phrenicotomy] Apr 18: Moved out on the porch. Apr 20: Had clips taken out. Apr 23: flat plate and x-ray. Saw a Dr. having to speak through a tube. Apr 24: Mr Thompson came to tell me about train connections. Apr 25: Brush fire May 1: Letter, money order, key and club bag from home. May 8:Left Kentville 7 a.m. Changed at Truro. Got Mulgrave boat. Got to Queensport about 7. Had supper to McLeans. May 19: Teacher (Betty Jamison) here this evening. Jamie went driving with Everett [Feltmate]. Harry D[uncan] smashed his hand. May 29: Dance at Clarel's [Marion is now back home from the Sanitorium. She is spending a lot of time upstairs in her room, resting, but enjoying many visitors. Sometimes she writes of seeing someone out the window and waving to them. Other times, her friends visit her upstairs, or she comes down to "the room", probably the parlour, for awhile, or sits on the verandah or has a short walk. Although she reports on all the dances taking place, she herself is not attending them.] June 8: Howard Pyche buried today. Jun 9: 3 fellows from Beckerton here. Arthur Rudolph, Everett Corken & Percy Taylor. Jun 10: End of lobstering. Bess & Dora to see me. Dance in Hall by Bob Ehler (not for the church). Jun 11: Pa brought me a little cake from Canso. The 3 fellows off the boat & Katie & I to Dave's. Katie left long before Mum & I did. Dance at Clarels. Jun 12: I darned and had quite some exercise today. Feeling good tho. Jun 14: Jamie [Feltmate] was 25 today. Jun 15: Lilacs from McLeans. Brought gramaphone upstairs. Jun 16: Fine day. Sat out around with Merle talking to Ina also Connie. Ate more today. Feelling good. Jun 17: In bed all day. I curled my hair. Mum to Guild. Jun 18: Up most of day except rest hour this p.m. and short one this a.m. There was no dance as expected because of rain. Jun 20: Harvey Creamer, Beaulah, 3 kids Mabel, Gorden & Ed also Oliva Ann [(Duncan) Creamer, daughter of Angus Duncan] to Dave's. George here to supper wearing his white hat. Jun 21: Dance in Hall. Sylvia, Mr McLean and Johanna Dort here. letter from Helena. Port Felix truck brought the lumber from Duncan's old store. Jun 22: Choir practice at church for Juniors. Beatty [Munroe] here a few minutes. Connie [Grover] brought Carl's records. [Carl Feltmate, Marion's brother]. Jun 23: A[unt] Fan [(Jamieson) Grover] washed for Gran[dmother Feltmate]. Jun 24: Liberal meeting Jun 25: Conservative meeting. Dolly Lacey here. Bertha Pyche & Edna Munroe talking by the gate. Jun 26: Kenny Brine pop agent here again for dinner. Also McDonald youngster. River concert in Hall. Also dance. [The Feltmates were running the small general store for the Whitehead Co-operative, so the pop agent was bringing in soda pop] Jun 29: Mum papering Jamie's bed room. Election. Papa stayed home today except to vote. Mum didn't vote. Liberals got in. Felt grand today. Jun 30: Raining today. Aunt Dean [(Grover) Duncan] in awhile. Annie [(Ehler) Duncan] came home from teaching in North Ogden. July 1: aunt Dean gave me strawberries. Marion Warboy & Dolly Lacey here. Also Mr McLean. Had Guild here tonight. (Mrs. Arsenault guest). Malinda Pat Bea & husband here. Some handshake Pat gave me! [This was likely Malinda (Feltmate) Munroe, wife of Alfred T. Munroe, and her childrenBeatrice and Patrick. Beatrice was married to Luke McCarthy -pf] July 7: Beautiful day. I was out doors. Katie, Merle, Annie also Connie & Agatha over today. Steryl George here from States. July 11: Alice [Duncan] and family went to Sydney July 12: Strawberry Festival. Venie came. Nurse here. Percey over today with lumber for Harry. Joe Grant played here this evening. Alice & others got home. July 13: Falcon [Duncan] sent me a lovely bunch of white flowers. Stayed in bed since breakfast. July 15: Saw Josh McDuffs car by Nelt's. Ada & Vern married by McLean. I was to the tea. Dance in Hall. Joe Grant, Jamie [Feltmate] & George [probably Grover] played. Big fight. [Ada Rebecca Feltmate dau. of Angus and Bessie (Munroe) Feltmate, married Vernon C. Munroe son of Thurlo and Minnie (Uloth) Munroe. "McLean" was Rev. Cuthbert McLean.-pf] July 17: Tom got some pop for him & me. Am feeling just grand. Gladys [Duncan] and Arnold came [home from the States -pf] July 18: Up practically all day. Venie, George & I to Nelt's to see sword fish boat. Venie & Jamie had supper to Ethel's [Grover]. Uncle Charlie [Duncan] over today in wheelchair. George [Grover] to supper. July 19: Gladys [Duncan, who lived and worked in Mass.-pf] brought me over manicure, talcum and artificial plants all from Essie [(MacKenzie) Farrell who also lived in Mass.]. Also got a bedtray from her. July 20: Harry Phalen has gone away. July 21: Jamie & I played a bit this evening in the room for Venie. July 22: Venie, Ethel [Grover], Annie & Harry [Duncan], Arnold, Ainsley [Munroe] Jamie, Calvin & George Grover went down to hut. I rested and slept. July 26: Manda Wells [says "Jones" in margin - pf], Maud Myers were to Mrs [Harmon] Feltmate's. July 27: Dorothy [(Duncan) Baker] came. Arthur [Rhynold] painted for Jamie and Falcon [Duncan] started cementing for piazza. [Dorothy had married Capt. Edward Baker in Aug 1936 -pf] July 28: Uncle Jim Uloth died. Dean, Harry, Annie [all Duncans] went to funeral. A yacht came in to Angus's [Duncan] wharf. [Jim Uloth was son of Adam Casper Uloth and Grace Girshe (Feltmate) and was married to Marion's great-aunt Mahalie (Duncan).] July 29: Jimmy Pyche died. Some New Yorkers touring. Denis Levangie got sore at Tom Lukeman. July 30: Got a letter from Marion Warboy. Connie & Agatha brought me some wild roses. Maurice Rose came. July 31: Tome Lukeman's last trip. Jamie went to Port Felix with Gladys. Had Coronation Magazines from McLean. August 7: Feeling very good. Playing Sylvia's records. Read "In His Steps". Painted picture. Ethel, Alice, Leslie, Mabel here. Ed & Dorothy left. Mrs Ehler & crowd left. August 8: Talking to Emert Murphy a minute through the window. August 9: Gerald Grimm came back from Cole Harbour. August 10: Gerald G. left and I never met him. Hughie, Helen, Lucetta arrived. [probably Lucetta Uloth -pf]. Dance at Clarel's. Aug 13: Joe Fitz came home on boat. [Joe Fitzgerald] Aug 14: priest here [Father Tompkins] Aug 17: American tourists here. [This was probably connected with the Antigonish movement - Father Tompkins brought some of his American contacts into the area in this time period to see Co-operation in action - pf] Aug 18: Essie Jack Jamie Dave to Antigonish. Pa made speech. Aug 26: Meeting here fro store. Guild at Mrs. Thurloe's [Minnie (Uloth) Munroe married to Thurloe Munroe] Aug 28: Old fellow sharpening scissors here singing today. Lindsay Pye's son and Lester Turner here for dinner. Clissie, Carl & Lucetta here. ["Clissie" was Clarissa Synthelia (Uloth) married to Duncan Enos Ward.-pf] Sep 5: Mr McLean gave Communion here. Everyone over to Queensport to hear a bishop. John Grover & Earl here. Sep 6: Saw Margaret Feltmate going to Uncle Charlie's. Merle [Munroe] curled my hair. Sep 7. Talking to Beatty [Munroe]. 3 men here this p.m. Mr Schorts, Wolff & McDonald. Saw Jenny Richards. Sep 8: Sitting in the upper field reading. Ate well today. Sep 10: wrote songs off records. Sep 13: Mary Rhynold here tonight. Sep 15: I dressed and was to shop awhile. Wilfred R[hynold] gave me a bar. [chocolate] Sep 16: Lineman here. George Munroe took sick. Electric storm. Sep 17: Lineman here. Sep 20: Hilda (Heffern) Cornet & Aunt Dean here tongith. Did a bit of fancy work. Sep 21: did more fancy work. Pa & Mrs Feltmate to Canso. She has a sore face. Can [Feltmate] went too I think. Mrs Peters sent me western stories. Sep 22: Out doors a few minutes. Didn't dress though. Sep 24: Fine day. Merle curled my hair on the kitchen doorstep. Sep 25: George [Grover] here for dinner. I finished embroidering lunch cloth and played a tune on the fiddle. Sep 27: Katie brought a lot of milk to pig. John Fitz[gerald] worked at new store. [The tiny Co-op store on the water-side in front of the Feltmate house was being replaced by a larger two story shop in the field beside the house. ] Oct 1: Connie [Grover] brought some birthday cake and rooster down. Jamie & Pa in woods. Oct 6: Mum & others cleaned church this p.m. A couple agents downstairs this evening. Oct 7: Rainy. Guild to Fan's [Grover]. I didn't even bother with a light tonight. Oct 8: John Fitz had dinner here. They are trimming the church for harvest. Oct 10: Harvest service. Mrs Tanner here to see Gran. [Mary (Hull) Tanner, widow of Captain Leander Tanner. She lived with her daughter and son-in-law, Alice and Falcon Duncan] Oct 11: Sidney's [Grover] boat came ashore. No damage. Wind, rain. Oct 13: Nellie's baby came this evening. Oct 14: Laurier and Chedabucto came in. Oct 16: Marguerite and Evelyn Myers Yankee Cove teacher here. Dave & they over to see Olivia Ann [(Duncan) Creamer] who is sick. I was down stairs a few minutes tonight. Took hot water bottle to bed. Fishermen's meeting. Oct 18: I read a lot. Mama lay down awhile on my bed this evening. Oct 19: Junior choir practise. Vern's boat launched. Katie's baby girl arrived either last night or this morning. Pa went to Halifax with Peters. Oct 20: Beatrice & Jean Dobsin had supper here. Haven't bothered to go downstairs for a couple days. Oct 21: was downstairs. Played a tune on organ. Mum and I did a bit of cross word puzzles. Oct 22: Fine. Went to Uncle Charlie's. George F [Fraser?] here to supper. Gave him western book. Dance in Hall. Murry [Munroe], Jamie [Feltmate], George [Grover] played. Oct 23: Pa got home from Halifax. Vera sent tomatoes grapes pears. Oct 26: Mrs F[eltmate], Jamie, Everett [Feltmate] to Canso. Got Japanese lanterns. Oct 30: Chat & Abe & Mrs Plum came. Abe had supper here. He stayed to Charlie's. The women to Dave's. Ethel and George [Grover] here tonight. Japanese lantern lit. ["Chat & Abe" were Charity (Fanning) and her husband Abraham Uloth. Abe and Clissie, mentioned earlier, were children of Jim and Mahala (Duncan) Uloth.-pf] Oct 31. Church this p.m. example of Eskimo life. 2 airplanes went by. Nov 1: Shot the pig. It weighed 243. Sidney's [Grover] 237, Sam's [Duncan] 208, Falcon's [Duncan] 216, Jim's [Duncan] 215. Ed & Doug Fraser sawed wood for Uncle Charlie [Duncan]. Abe and they went home. Bernice Snow here. 2 airplanes went by. Nov 2: Papa, Fostine [Feltmate, wife of Can], Katie anad & to Canso with Earn Hendsbee. To Lelia's [Duncan, Chester's wife] most of time. Had two teeth out. Nov 9: Jamie took Fred Swaine 2 others to Yankee Cove. Nov 11: Rested. Did a character test tonight. Nov 12: downstairs to each meal. Nov 17: Boat in for Nelt's fish. Cap. Verge here. Nov 20: More rain. Downstairs to my supper. Played on the harp tonight in my room. [her autoharp which I now own -pf] Nov 21: Katie christened tonight. Aunt Anne [(Grover) Williams, wife of Simon] & Helen Jamison here [from Queensport]. Nov 22: Pa, Sidney and others to P.F. meeting [Port Felix] Nov 24: Angus Feltmate's engine broke down. Steamer found them. Nov 25: Lillian Marr here. Nov 26: Clyde Roberts in awhile. I was to the shop. Weighed 106 again. Dec 2: Guild here: Johanna [Grover wife of Nelt], Ina [Grover, wife of Sidney], Alice [Duncan, wife of Falcon], Minnie [Munroe, wife of Thurloe], Ida, Ethel [Grover, wife of George], Betty, Mrs Norm [probably Rhynold?], Fan Jim [Fan Grover, wife of Jim], Connie [Grover, dau of Ina and Sidney] & Agatha [Munroe, dau of Minnie & Thurlo] here. Uncle Charlie [Duncan] got over today. Dec 4: picking out presents [Eaton's catalogue-pf] Dec 6: Nurse here today. Made out order tonight or some of it. Dec 7: Jamie to Haulover for order. Mama & I drawing profiles. Dec 12: Wilfred Ehler preached this p.m. Dec 14: Our Eaton parcel came. Dec 15: Meeting in Hall for work. Dec 16: Edward here a few minutes. Ainsley P. went on Three Top in his place. [Three Top Island light. Marion's father manned the light in 1929 and the family had lived out on the island with him. Ainsley P is probably Ainsley Pyche.-pf] Dec 17: Helen Grover came to Aunt Deen's [Duncan]. Jamie went to Canso with Dunc. [Duncan MacDonald] Dec 19: Mama & I fixing Xmas cards and parcels Dec 20: Mr McPhail had prayers with us. Was up stairs. Mama went to Nelt's & Alice's tonight. they are working in shop. Dec 21: Showed Mrs Feltmate our cards. Jamie doing up parcels tonight. mama working. Card from Hazel B. Parcel from Mabel. Dec 22: Trimming church. I sewed a bit on pyjamas. Tied a couple parcels. Doug F. fell in lake. [Fraser]. Dec 24: Didn't eat much. Feeling down in the dumps. Connie & Jamie delivering parcels. Agatha here. Dec 25: got about 23 gifts Dec 27: was more orderly in resting it seems because of my little clock. Dec 28: Didn't go downstairs. Grandmother has such a cold. Dec 29: Lots of snow down. Blowing tonight. Feeling good. Heard Mr McPhail had car accident a few days ago.