[The printed fly-leaf
of Marion's 1942-1946 diary is printed by the manufacturer as follows:]
Memory Is Elusive - Capture It
Five Year Diary
The Mind
is a wonderful machine. It need but be just
refreshed and incidents can again be revived
in their former clarity.
A Line
Each Day, whether it be of the weather or of
more important substances, will in time to
come bring back those vague memories, worth
remembering, to almost actual reality.
Bert Manufacturing Company
Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Made in U.S.A.
[Marion's diary continues:]
Jan 1: Not very fine but welcome 1945!! I hope you have something for
me. Something good.
Jan 2: Connie & I went to the dance. 1 with Douglas, 1 with Gerald,
1 with Arklo, 1 with Arthur.
Jan 5: Rain but fine tonight. Went to show. Your A Lucky Man Mr Smith.
Evelyn Anker and Patsy O'Conner and Allen Jones etc.
Jan 6: Nothing special. Wish there had been.
Jan 7: Connie & I to lake. A few there. Church tonight. Marie &
Sylvia and Bobby Spidel here.
Jan 8: Connie came down and we went and mailed our letters then sewed
quilt blocks at her place and went to the office at about 9:30.
Jan 9: Raining today. Icy tonight. Called for Connie and went to June's.
She wasn't home.
Jan 10: Steve here awhile. Aunt Fan & Jim [Grover] to supper.
Angus McGillvery too. War picture at the school. Church meeting at church.
Jan 11: Agatha & I to see Mrs G. Munroe and Winifred. Supper at Isabel's
and stayed till after 9. Also called at school going up. Pa's birthday
69 [William Thomas "Billy Tom" Feltmate, son of Samuel D.
and Eunice Leannas (Duncan) Feltmate -pf]
Jan 12: Steve gave mum fresh pork frozen. Show tonight but didn't
Jan 15: mail late tonight and the evening went by quick. Vivian's birthday.
Jan 16: No dance for me as it's raining & sleeting
Jan 17: Still raining. No one here. Leslie [Duncan] came home last
Jan 18: Guild here. Went to dance. Had 1 with Bernie. 1 with Owen. 1 with
Arthur. 1 with Les.
Jan 19: Didn't go to show.
Jan 20: Bernie Leslie Arthur Enos Agatha Joyce Connie Patsy & I went
to see Robert. Took a lunch and Bernie his violin Agatha guitar.
Jan 21: Church a.m. Mama & I went to Queensport church and up to supper
at Aunt Anne's [Williams, wife of Simon] with Mr & Mrs Row
and Halfway Cove church.
Jan 23 [still in Queensport]: Snow. Finer tonight. Sylvia &
I went with Wilfred Ehler & Margaret to Lola Ehler's met Hazel Digdon.
Saw Mr Levi Ehler a glimpse also Tom Hendsbee.
Jan 24: Sylvia & Mama to Guysboro. Sylvia & I to office, to Eva's
store and came home with Wilfred. Mama to W.A.
Jan 25: Mama & Aunt to Let's. We stayed home and danced.
Jan 26: We sat up late tonight
Jan 27: Mama & I came home on bus and over with Collens in navy truck.
Jan 29: To Connie's. She was on lake. I had supper there. We went to the
lake tonight. She called at Ethel's for me. Marth is there also little
Jan 30: Radio is noisy. May as well turn in
Jan 31: Wrote letters. Went to Aunt Ethel's and Conrad's for scarf. Came
down with Earn H[endsbee]
Feb 1: Mama to Guild at Lizzie's. I was home all evening. Wrote Essie
and kept the home fires burning. Pa in shop. Huntly to Antigonish today.
Feb 2: To robbie's today. Edith has a lame back. Called for Agatha went
to show. Sat with Vivian. News of Harvey's wife died at Guys. hospital.
Feb 4: Edith & Art & baby came to Uncle Charlie's [Duncan]
house. [The house was empty at this time as Charlie had died and
his widow Zenia had moved to New Glasgow/Trenton to be near her children,
so Edith and Art Baldwin must be moving into the empty house. -pf]
Feb 5: About 8 fellows in store off a government boat. One guy Chevron
or something asked me about going to work in Dartmouth. Church tonight.
Connie came home [from Queensport visit-pf] Heard Neta is married
Feb 6: Angus MacGillvery here to supper and took me to the office
and back. Then took Pa Ma & me to his show which was very good.
Feb 8: Mrs Collens & I were to see Edith Baldwin's baby. Connie &
I to dance. $56 for Robert and a bit more. Dance 1 with Howard McKenzie
2 with Steve David, 1 with Arklo. Good fun. Kenneth home on leave.
Feb 9: Not very fine. No mail tonight. Herman has another girl born last
night 9 p.m. [This was Edna born to Herman and Agnes Rhynold -pf]
Feb 12: Edith B[aldwin] & baby here. Edith R. here after
4 p.m. Connie here tonight. Mama at Nelt's quilting. I went up and met
Feb 13: Edith & Billy & Robby went to Winnipeg today. Gip met
me when I came from office. Dance tonight for fun
Feb 14: Home alone. Mama to Aunt Ethel's quilting. I went up tonight to
meet her. Party at Barracks.
Feb 16: Steve here p.m. Show tonight. I didn't go. Sammy Kay's orchestra
is good.
Feb 20: At ARt's pm. At Mrs Collens tonight. Marguerite Guest there.
Feb 21: Baked a chocolate pie. ironed. Mama put in her 2nd quilt. Alice
[Duncan] here p.m. Marguerite here for catalog.
Feb 24: Mama finished quilting. Carroll saw a robin here today.
Feb 25: Herman's little boy had to go to hospital. appendix. [the little
boy would have been either Jim or Patrick Rhynold -pf]
Feb 26: Mrs F[eltmate, widow of Harmon] over today. Huntley
[Hendsbee] & Fred R[hynold] here to dinner as they hauled
wood for Carroll.
Feb 28: Fred to dinner working at Carroll's engine. Big truck stopped
at Can's well.
Mar 1: They say Stew has a baby boy
Mar 2: Mum cleaned shop. I helped. P.O. Walsh in. Mrs Collens went rowing.
baby here. Edith & baby here. Isabel & Virginia to supper. Connie
& Edith & I to show. What A Woman. Rosalind Russel.
Mar 4: Church a.m. no music. Mr & Mrs Row to dinner. Connie here p.m.
Mama & I there tonight. Walsh is funny.
Mar 5: To Aunt Ina's today. P.O. went away. Wrote letters today. Home
working pillow cases tonight. Washed my hair.
Mar 6: Rain. Didn't think they'd have free show but they did.
Mar 7: Took 2 aprons to Clara [Rhynold] when I went for mail.
Mar 8: Connie here. We polished spoons.
Mar 9: Didn't go to show. Took pie to Art's p.m.
Mar 12: Falcon [Duncan] started ceiling front room [and it is
still in great shape to this day. Nice smooth plastering job -pf]
Mar 13: Can't think of anything special. Joyce has sore throat again.
Mar 14: In the store. Pa & Carroll to Queensport Horse race won by
McPherson's horse from Giant's Lake.
Mar 15: Carl Fitz came home yesterday.
Mar 16: Went to show with Patsy, Edith, Connie. Patsy came home in truck
and we walked because we wanted to. "Swing Out the Blues"
Mar 17: Falcon working again tonight. Alice [Falcon's wife] here
quilting. Party at barracks.
Mar 22: Mrs Collens took Jackie to Canso. He fell out of his high chair.
Mar 23: toothache all day.
Mar 24: Awake all night. up early. What a tooth ache. In bed all day.
Mar 25: Rested well last night and no tooth ache today. Ma & Pa to
Angus Feltmate's tonight.
Mar 26: Bill Spears to dinner. Mama helping Ina on mat. Percy here tonight.
Apr 1: About 13 Wrens to church. They gave mums daffodils and tulips and
2 lilies. No service as Mr Rowe got stuck!
Apr 2: I painted in pantry
Apr 3: Everything full of sleet today. Painting.
Apr 4: At Connie's looking at post card album tonight. Was going to Dora's
but she's in Hallifax
Apr 9: Dance. Connie & Isabel & I went. Danced with Allison, Al
George, Arthur. Saw Mildred Marr.
Apr 11: Lovely warm wind
Apr 12: Lawrence Munroe got home from overseas yesterday. Guild at Aunt
Ina's. Edith Baldwin baked 2 cakes and cookies. President Roosevelt died.
Apr 14: Pa to Canso with Carl Fitz & Earn Hensbee. Thelma went to
Canso with Dunc [McDonald]
Apr 15: bill Spears & Robert to supper
Apr 16: To Art's for recipe.to Aunt Ethel's this evening. Uncle George
[Grover] went down east today. Betty there. Clara [Rhynold]
took [her son] Doug to Pictou. Mary went too. Mrs Conrad tending
post office.
Apr 17: Eileen Cashen & Placide Ring [King?-pf] married today.
Apr 18: Painted windows in kitchen
Apr 19: Went to Antigonish with Pa & Huntley [Hendsbee]. Got
tooth out. Dr Morrison. Home about 9 p.m. What a day. But nice scenery.
Apr 22: Lawrence here to dinner
Apr 23: Mama papering.
Apr 25: Nice day. Bill McKenzie came to fish with Carroll. I went up to
show him Deep Cove and called at Alden's.
Apr 26: Bernie here a.m. waiting for telephone call about smacking job.
Steve in shop p.m. I read afterward about Brighton Eng and Lawrence
called for the book when they came back from Canso.Connie & I to Queensport
with a boarder McDonald.
Apr 27: MacDonald went home.
Apr 28: MacDonald & MacCabe came back. Home all evening. Listening
for Germany's surrender.
May 1: Ainsley came home on leave.
May 2: Lawrence came over and went to Earn's tonight.Going to Halifax
tomorrow morning.
May 4: Carroll & McKenzie out in the rain
May 5: Connie & I to Dance which was put on by Amy and Vivian. Airforce
& Wrens there. Some fun. Played for 3. Danced with Allison, Horace
Hendsbee (in the army) and George.Swell fun
May 6: Church communion a.m. Aunt Fan, Jim, Marion, Harold to dinner.
To Joyce's this evening. Met Earnie Craig. Saw Al Myers and wife &
May 7: Agatha gave me $1 for playing. Mail very late.Flags flying. Bell
ringing. Germany has surrendered. Mrs Collins to barracks. I stayed with
Isabel til she came.
May 8: Church a.m. Thanksgiving for Victory. Sylvia over. Patsy in before
going on parade. Mrs Collins & Isabel here. Aunt Ina & Sydney
too. p.m. Mrs Tanner & Alice [Duncan] and Bill McKenzie tonight.
[no entries until May 18 -pf]
May 18: Carroll & Bill MacKenzie went to Canso in boat
May 19: Leslie came home on leave. 28 days.
May 20: Chuch p.m. Mrs Hannah Conrad's funeral after our service.
May 21: Agatha went to Mulgrave to work. Aunt Fan papering hall upstairs.
May 22: Stayed with Patsy at Glen's. Isabel at the store awhile. Doug
is in Aldershot Hospital
May 23: Edith here this evening. Elva sewing here. I waxed the floor.
May 24: Talking to STeve today. Looks very good having heard from the
dentist. Boat in to Nelt's wharf. Water too shoal here. They couldn't
stay. Nice looking chap to the store.
May 25: Connie & I to dance. Plenty beer. A scrubby party.
May 29: I went to Spurge's for bread, talking to Genesta in our store.
Connie here tonight. Oh yes I called in and saw Ainsley as he is leaving
in the morning.
May 30: Nothing special here. but Syria is in a war with the French. Will
it ever end !!
May 31: Jamie [Feltmate, Marion's brother], Hazel [his wife,
nee Hawken, their daughter] Patsy & [Hazel's sister ] Emma
[Hawken] came [from Ontario].
Jun 1: Connie & I up to church hill to see the over-turned truck.
Jun 2: Went to dance with Connie. Danced with Leslie, Bill Fraser,
corners with Tommy P and Dinger (E.Bell) who bought some ice cream. Emma,
Hazel & Jamie came together.
Jun 3: Church a.m. Emma & I hiking p.m. Chester Peart to dinner.
Jun 4: Pa buying mackeral
Jun 5: Marie Conway married Jerry Hinds. Drove down here and called on
us in their wedding clothes. Very very lovely. Clara McDonald & Sonny
stood for them. Dance at Hall. Carroll played.
Jun 6: Rain. cold. Nearly everyone sleeping. Went to bed about 8
Jun 7: Dance again. Emma, Hazel & Jamie & Patsy & I had supper
at Aunt Ethel's. Connie & I took Hattie to dance. She came yesterday.
[Hattie Webster, future wife of Aunt Ethel's son Calvin Grover-pf]
Jun 9: Connie & Edith & I to the show. The Major and the Minor
with Ginger Rogers.
Jun 10: Billy Pyche's house burned down.
Jun 11: Election Day
Jun 13: Took pictures of little Patsy. Leslie [Duncan] got 5 seals.
Jun 14: Aunt Ethel [Grover] & Hattie here. Had birthday cake
etc. They left at 12. Jamie is 33.
Jun 15: Went to Aunt Ethel's . Got place mats for wedding. Connie &
I went with Edith, Art & Elva & "Lanky" Joan Lancaster
& Bob looked very nice. A short but sweet little service.
Jun 16: Leslie went away this morning. Alice [Duncan], Mrs Tanner
[her mother] and Falcon [Duncan her husband] here tonight.
Small meeting in front room for Co-op. Mrs McDonald here short time. Jamie,
Hazel, Emma & i to Port Felix today in boat.
Jun 18: Emma & I up around the shore. What a walk!
Jun 20: Falcon, Alice, Jamie, Emma, Hazel & I on a picnic. Up in the
basin and to a lake. Had lunch. Went fishing. Went Mrs. Thurlow's [Munroe]
Jun 22: Alice & Mrs Tanner, Falcon here. Connie too. Went up a way
with her. When I came back met Russel Jamieson. He & his father &
Chester Peart here tonight.
Jun 23: Came to New Glasgow. Jamie & family went back. Aunt Ethel
& Hattie went to Halifax too.
Jun 24: Two airmen here. Very nice.
Jun 26: Walked the town today! Lexis [Bigney] & I to the fare
Jun 28: Lexie & I to the Recital where Shirley sang. Shirley &
Harris Cameron & I sang tonight till Lexie asked us to stop.
Jun 30: Traveled around town. So tired. Got my watch repaired. $3.
Jul 1: Church p.m. Double christening. Mrs Joe Miller & baby James.
Annie [Duncan] & I visited Jenny Fraser. To Clissie's [(Uloth)
Ward] tonight.
Jul 2: Dinner with Mrs Ellis. A milk shake on Elmer Humphrey. Visited
Mrs MacQuarry tongiht [in New Glasgow]. Met the old couple Mr &
Mrs Robert Stewart.
Jul 5: Went to party at Phylis' Cameron's. Came home with Buddy &
D.D. and Bill Ross and a couple of girls in a taxi. 8 of us.
Jul 6: Playing piano. Billy Stapleton here awhile. 2 airmen here this
evening. Also Ed Munroe & wife.
Jul 7: Went with Annie to see Carrie about a job. Drove to Pictou Landing
with Billy Stapleton. Rather pretty country. Lots of green. Crown to supper.
2 americans and 2 airmen. Those 2 stayed the evening. Later Shirley &
I went out for ice cream.
Jul 10: Came to Truro. Met Mrs Roy Morash, wife of an Evangelist minister
from Chester. Mabel & I to supper with Ruth McEachran & sister
Velda. To a show and surprise for Mabel.
Jul 11: Out with Leona and through St John's church. Stayed for wedding
Jul 12: Mabel & I around town. To a wedding tonight.
Jul 13: All around town after the show, "That's the Spirit"
Jul 14: Left Truroa.m. Met Marie McKay from Riverside, Guys Co.
Jul 18: Went to show "Smilin' Through" this p.m. with Shirley.
had ice cream at MacLoud's. Went to Fare with Shirley.
Jul 19: Had perminent today. Cried. didn't like it. Willie U[loth]
here. Playing for Harris tonight a short time. We had hamburgers.
Jul 21: Lexie, Twila & I came home on train. Crowded bus and rain.
Edward Rhynold aboard. Lexie & I at the dance.
Jul 22: Connie, Agatha & I as far as ghost bridge up the pit etc.
Met John McIssac & Bernie. Supper at Connie's
Jul 23: Calvin [Grover] home. Leaving for Toronto tomorrow.
Jul 27: To Aunt Ethel's in boat. 4 boarders there. Mr McCabe & Anker
brought us home in car.
Jul 28: to dance. Not so good as last week but more there I think.
Jul 29: Agatha Ada & family & I on Nelt's wharf. Bernie &
crew leaving tomorrow. Mama & I to cemetry. Rainy!
Jul 30: Lexie & I to Flying Point or around the shore. Got a few bakeapples.
Jul 31: Lexie left a.m. Up to Nelt's hearing Joe Grant play. Looking in
bags of hay for thimble. No luck. Mixed bread tonight.
Aug 1: Calvin [Grover] is being married today [to Hattie Webster
in Ontario -pf] Picked crow berries. Bill McKenzie took his
wife home and is coming back. harv Munroe bought Vern's house.
Aug 2: They say Sylvia [(Williams) Blumson] and Harry [Blumson
her husband] are home.
Aug 3: Went to Aunt Ethel's p.m. Wrote invitations Roland Muise &
Fred ---- boarding there. Alice Conrad working there.
Aug 5: Home all day singing & writing.
Aug 6: Lydia Rhynold here on the steps. Saw Hubert Warren & Junior
at the office Harold's and Johnny's boys.
Aug 7: To Alice's [Duncan] & Celie's [Uloth] on errands.
Agatha and I had supper and gathered flowers which we took to Aunt Ethel's
[Grover]. Came home in the rain after decorating. Stanley Cashin
& Geraldine Casey married.
Aug 8: Went to Calvin's reception. 56 guests. busy
Aug 10: To Jim Duncan's with Annie. Walked far as Aunt Ethel's road. Calvin
& Hattie came home with me.
Aug 12: The McMillan's here p.m. also Mel Munroe. Bessie & children
here p.m..
Aug 13: Harold Munroe & John Grover to supper
Aug 14: Bishop Kingston (& Mrs) at church p.m. Marion Grover, Helen
Porter, Gerusha confirmed. War is over tonight. or last night?
Aug 15: Rainy but finer tonight. Went to Dance with Agatha. Reynold Harris
took us and brought us home. Bert Hadley played, also Carroll. 2 sets
with Everett, 1 with Elmer, 1 or 2 foxtrots with Kenneth.
Aug 16: Clareance [Rhynold] is home. Came this morning. New baby
to Fred's, Arnold LeRoy [Rhynold, son of Fred & Clara (Jones) Rhynold],
came yesterday.
Aug 17: Lovely day.
Agatha her tonight. I went far as hill with her. Passed Thelma [Porter]
& [Thelma's future husband] Roy Ehler on bridge.
Aug 18: Fine. All of us to show. Lum & Abner in "2 weeks to Live"
Aug 20: Ainsley Munroe came home. Agatha, Corkum & I on the beach
by the bridge waiting for the mail.
Aug 21: Uncle Ed, Aunt Eliza, Burn, Lonas & wife here for dinner.
[William Edmund "Ed" George and his wife Eliza Catherine
(Grover) and their sons Osburne and Lohnes -pf] Aunt Deen [Duncan]
awhile. Ed Pyche. Tonight I went and lay down. Aunt Ethel & family
here. Agatha, Corkum & I quiet on the veranda.
Aug 22: Ed Bond to dinner
Aug 23: Pa to Antigonish. I stayed in store. Fell and hurt my ankle. Haulover
crowd & Geraldine in the store today.
Aug 24: Out in the field doing runner [fancy work on a dresser runner
Out on veranda. Placide here a few minutes looks very good.
Connie came home. Clarence & Arthur [Rhynold brothers] went to Halifax
to see Wilfred [their elder brother -pf]. Clarel & Maud here
Aug 26: Clarel & Little Keddy here at noon.
Sep 5: Fine very warm. to Aunt Ethel's p.m. Came home with her & Mr
McCabe & Foreman [McCabe] in car. Harold Munroe here a short time.
He & Gordon Mac Donald & I went over to see Connie.
Sep 6: Gladys, Aunt Deen, Dorothy, [all Duncans ] Douglas &
Reta [Baker, Dorothy's children] arrived.
Sep 7: Some swordfishing boats in
Sep 8: Show at the barrracks tonight. Cleaning. Busy. Lydia, Minnie, Bob
& Bob Creamer & Deltha arrived. The last 3 went back.Gladys [Duncan]
went away this morning. I picked black berries. Art pumped out our
well. Connie & I stayed with Art's baby tonight.
Sep 13: Got pineapple from Jamie [her brother in Ontario-pf]
Sep 15: Edith & Art went away as he had to go to Backerow. Beatty's
baby born today. [Munroe].
Sep 16: Zincs up to their place
Sep 20: Reggie & Ed Bond to dinner. To Lydia's tonight. She &
Minnie packing dishes. She gave me 3. [Lydia (Creamer) Duncan, widow
of Dave Duncan. Minnie was her sister, and she also had sisters Ida, Deltha,
a brother Robert, and several other siblings -pf]
Sep 21: Ivy Richards
invited us to a party at the barracks, Connie & I, Joyce & Vivian.
About 14 fellows off the ship there.Cards, dancing & lunch. It was
Sep 23: Got up late. Lonesome day or maybe I'm just restless. Mama &
I called to see Clara's baby Arnold [Rhynold].
Sep 25: Margaret & Carl Hardy, Mary 7 Harry McDuff visiting today.
Minnie Creamer went home. Lydia & I for a walk tonight.
Sep 30: Church tonight. Leona & Mona there. Also Wrens & Rod
Oct 1: At Connie's. She's 23 today. Aunt Ina went to New Glasgow. Leslie
to Halifax. Thelma to Antigonish for tonsilitis. Edna to Halifax for treatment.
Edith & Art to Halifax.
Oct 2: Rainy & blowing but warm. Trial at Guysboro on Gerald King
(in his favour)
Oct 4: Saw Earn Grover
Oct 6: Pa to Guysboro Convention. I kept store
Oct 7: Angus Feltmate to dinner. Mama & I to Queensport Halfway Cove
church. Angelo arrived tonight.
Oct 8: Angelo to barracks
Oct 9: Angelo left about 9 a.m. Took pictures before he went.
Oct 11: At the Guild at Lizzie's [Porter].Saw Thelma's hope chest.
[Thelma was Lizzie's daughter]
Oct 13: Connie & I to show. Bud Abbot & Lou Costello "in
Society". Liberal meeting after.
Oct 15: Sent Xmas orders.
Oct 18: Pat to Antigonish. I stayed in store.Edith & Billy got home
this morning.
Oct 19: Home listening to radio
Oct 20: Helen Porter [Thelma's sister] & I took pictures back
of island. I picked berries back there p.m. Home all evening.
Oct 23: Liberals won with about 8,000 majority. Poled my 1st vote. Got
parcel from Eatons
Oct 31: Connie & I to Masquerade.
Nov 3: Met Ed Fraser tonight
Nov 5: Rain. Parcel from Dupuis Frere.
Nov 8: Connie & I had supper at Art's. It's billy's birthday [William
Arthur Baldwin born the year before -pf]
Nov 10: Minded Billy Baldwin. Art & Edith packing. Ed Fraser here
to supper and until show time. I didn't go to the show.
Nov 11: Art & Edith went away
Nov 13: Pa to the card play at Fred's [Rhynold] for beef
Nov 14: Connie called to go to Port Felix show with Harold. But I didn't
Nov 16: Cold night with ice on puddles. Connie here tonight sewing. Got
our pictures (in Uncle Joe's field)
Nov 18: Rain.Dinner at Connie's. Chicken leg at Nelt's [Grover].
Pudding home.
Nov 20: Gale and high tide tonight. Mounties got stuck by Uncle Joe's.
Mary Taylor & Patsy out fishing with Bernie.
Nov 21: Everything as usual
Nov 27: Picked berries. Went to show (Fred Astaire & Joan Leslie)
The Sky's The Limit. good.
Nov 29: Got green velvet hat but doesn't become me
Nov 30: Blowing and snowing
Dec 5: Mrs Feltmate over today. Mama made a birthday cake.
Dec 6: Mrs Feltmate is 88 today [Margaret (Chenerie or Cheverie or
Chevrier) Feltmate, widow of Harmon L Feltmate and mother of Can Feltmate.
She was born in Souris, PEI, and married Harmon in Gloucester Mass. -pf]
Dec 7: working and wrapping gifts
Dec 14: Went to show with Agatha. The Singing Sheriff, Bob Crosby
Dec 15: Choir practice at Ina's [Grover]
Dec 16: Reta & Enos here short time tonight. Plenty snow today.
Dec 19: Dan R MacDonald playing over CJFX. Very Good
Dec 20: Little plough out. No guild tonight.
Dec 21: guild at Connie's. connie, Hattie & I at the Show. The 3 Stooges
and a sport feature also news and Caralina Blues and "My Beloved
Dec 23: Church tonight. Picture at barracks after and coffee. Ma, Pa,
Ina & family, Ida, Vivian, Joyce, Agatha & family, Clara, Fred,
Vic, Reta, Enos, Arthur. Quiet.
Dec 25: what a strenuous day.
Dec 28: Connie & I to show Reckless Age.